
ZSketchbook rudymassar

great work very nice

3DTotal published a ZBrush tutorial I wrote. It covers a few techniques I used on the wrestler dude in Chihuahua Love. Hope you enjoy it.

SMacEwan Thank you very much. I’m happy to share it with the community.
Danilo Athayde Thanks and thanks :slight_smile:
swajith Thanks This is really straight forward BPR. The skin material is the SkinShade4 with an extra specular and sss pass.
lawk Thank you very much for your kind words. I’m glad you you like the humor as well. :slight_smile:
aamirart Thanks!

Rudy thanks very much for the great breakdown in 3D Total. Awesome stuff!


Here’s something different. A client was curious how I would do a cartoon style Elephant. I thought it was nice to find out for myself too. Hope you like it.

That’s great! I really like it.

That’s awesome! Good job. :+1:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

For both characters I started with a Dynamesh sphere and slowly increased the resolution. After that I drew the topology using Polypaint and traced that to create a new mesh. Most of the details on the Dynamesh Ztool I projected back onto the new mesh. From there I continued working on the sculpt. I started Polypainting the Elephant inspired by the ‘Dombo’ color scheme.



ahah excelent again Rudy, lots of character :slight_smile: Love the mouse’s stance too!

These two fellas are a lot of fun to watch :slight_smile:

So cute!

marcus_civis , zber2 , Magda, Ouran, Basia, Thank you very much!

Here’s a ‘raw’ movie recording of Polypainting the topology.

Warning: this video is really boring to watch. You might want to download it and speed up the playback rate a gazillion times. It’s 40 minutes me painting the topology in ZBrush using Polypaint.

This time I didn’t start with a plan and included ‘subdivisions’ myself, making it harder to create a clean mesh (less poles). Unfortunately it didn’t make it all the way to complete the rat but I think you’ll get the picture. Still, I thought it was worth sharing this and hope you’ll find this technique useful for your own project.

If you really plan to watch this real time, better grab a coke and popcorn. Enjoy ^^

<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/68843738?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ff9933” width=“500” height=“438” frameborder=“0” webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Edit: It seems the movie won’t embed in the post so here’s a direct link:

Thanks for sharing your workflow. I don’t quite understand how did you do retopology job. Can I ask what exactly mean that you “traced that [polypaint] to create a new mesh”? So… you painted mesh onto a model just to have sketch/plan to follow with traditional retopology?

Hey Basia, you are right, it is a plan to follow with ‘traditional’ retopo.
It’s a technique inspired by digitizing sculptures using a Microscribe. When creating a character/creature you can of course start of by box model the base shape to immediately work with a ‘clean’ mesh. In this case I chose Dynamesh to design/concept the characters first, concentrating only on the shape and not worrying about the topology flow.
Here’s how I described the workflow: Link

Thank you very much for explanation and tutorial, your way of retopo seems not so painful :slight_smile:

I finished the Polypaint and made some bpr-renders. Next I will extract the maps I need to make a render in Maya.

I’ve made a render and turned it into a more vintage style photograph.

Wonderful sculpt and delightful render! Bravo! :smiley:

All the best, David

Very cool piece. Love the mighty mouse and the Elephant!

What a lovely theme!

About the vintage render.
As working partly for theatres, I would say that just a very lousy light operator would let the artists, the attraction stay in dark.
Give the mouse one follow spot as it deserved in last rendering.
It’s hard to see the mouse and therefore to understand the really funny picture if one don’t know the pics before.
I am missing the elephants nice eye expression from the first renderings too.
Would make it even more brilliant - what do you think? :wink:

Thanks for sharing!

chalkman, SolidSnakexxx: Thanks for your kind words
Knacki: Hahaha great feedback, thanks and yes I agree with you. Tomorrow I will give the light operator a chance to fix this.