
ZBrush 4R2b Announced

Please UPGRADE PaintStop plug-in )

What you are saying would not necessarily work. There are plenty of companies that do what you are saying and still don’t get it right. Same old bugs, new bugs, not what you want in that specific upgrade not enough features included in the new upgrade etc etc etc.
All of these issue can be laid at the door a large number the top applications out there, though not necessarily all the issues at the door of any one application.
I’m not sure you could find many companies that are adding any more new stuff to their app than Pixologic is in the same time frame.
Pixologic obviously have their own business plan and I’m sure they have taken on previous opinions that have hinted at them charging for updates. So assuming that and assuming that they are in a relativley healthy finacial situation then I think it should be up to them if and when they decide to change the status quo.
Saying that I’m still amazed that they don’t charge for upgrades. Maybe we all could do some charity work to compensate.:wink:

Insanely Awesome. Thank-you.

Cmon no mention of what is getting fixed/upgraded/added? That’s such a terrible tease.:evil:

I think it has been pretty much covered in the initial post. " A few extra goodies is only there do drive you wild. Sleepless nights, sweating, If? But? Why? Why not? If only? Then you wake up and it’sssssssssss… Not out yet!!! Dah dah dah dah!!! And it all starts all over again. Then you think, but it’s too late, that lovely back massager?

Things I’d like to se fixedMannequins: at the moment the fantastic promis of bEing able to pose a hoped THEN sculpt the details is not possible because the resultant skin loses symmetry and poseable symetry is no longer possible making mannequins obsoletePolygroups from masking: at the moment crashing randomly… The combination of painting masks, convert to poly groups then dynamesh with groups on is a great workflow nut not working at the monTranspose rotation: I’ve noticed that in symmetry mode when trying to rotate let’s say a forearm pronation/supination it won’t work… Only on side at the time is possibleBusiness model: agree that more money/more people doesn’t necessarily helps. The corporate model of mammoth companies is long dead you want reactive efficient and most importantly emotionally engaged teams that believe in their product…business is like a battlefield the most passionate warrior can defeat an army where responsibility is diluted, the goals become blurry and decision making a painful process . Look at what pixo has done for the industry and other players like army of one 3dcoat this past years innovation has come from everywhere BUT the big players that rely way too much in words like “industry standard” or mumbo jumbo like that…standards are there to be broken and improved in any industry let alone our industry that is computer based… If computers evolve every 6Months so should our tools…bottom line Pixo model is the way to me

Please, some easy tool to select parts from the mesh an delete like, erase eye lashes from obj´s imported.

As much as i wish we had proper select/scale/rotate tools like in other 3d packages i know it’s not gonna happen. The godawful transpose is part of the ‘innovation’. I love zbrush but the transpose sometimes makes me want to tear my hair out.

Sooo happy! Thank you for the christmas present!! Thanks Pixologic! :slight_smile:

i’ll second please update Paintstop. it’s got the best real media feel of all the 2d products out there - just needs proper layers.

I don’t understand why everybody is going nuts just because of a PATCH.

I mean: Sure it’s good that Pixologic fixes some bugs. I’m happy too.
But honestly: That’s what I expect from a professional software developer.
They have to fix bugs and release patches.

What’s so awesome about that? It’s simply necessary.

Please Pixologic, could we get propper 3dconnexion support?

They aint listening to us. If I was you I’d just give in pretend it’s Christmas and just write your Santa list to Pixologic. Maybe a built in toasty machine. I’d like a popcorn maker built into ZBrush and I want it done last week. That back massager would be a good idea. Now I’ve started I don’t think I can stop.:wink:

They mention the possibility of some “goodies” to be included so I think aside from the patch/fix
(which agreed is simply necessary ;))
there may be some cool things showing up as well. As we know with Pixologic a “goodie” could
be some amazingly useful tool me thinks.

and let us not forget, “free” is in the budget

I hope they fix Lightbox so we can search the interwebz for images again.

I also hope this patch fixes the retopology zoom bug that has inherently crippled my workflow, forcing me to use another program to finish my model… and BTW, happy Thanksgiving to everyone on the forums and at Pixologic…

zb hair ??? !!!

@Gary Komar: I second the motion for hair! :lol:

Wow!! Great news , thank pixologic and Merry Christmas!!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I third and fourt and + 1000000 it. Hair would be fantastic.