
ZBrush 4R2b Announced

please fix the bpr rendering. so its like ZB 4 where the shadows are not all jagged . this has been a big issuse for me

Have to take my hats off to you guys, your right on the ball with things, well done, your hard work is much apreciated.

It’s funny to see how Zbrush upgrades become more like Christmas toys for us, rather than just a boring upgrade like in every traditional boring software. Seriously, for me Zbrush is the only software that combines work and fun, i dont even feel i’m working with it, i feel i’m playing some kind of futuristic game. Zbrush is the only modeling software that makes me happy to do this job. Thats all, thank you Pixologic for making this “game” even better everyday.

By the way, as you can see you have thousands of fans, what are you waiting for a goodie shop, we definitly want some zbrush shirts god damn it!

oh yeah! a zGear shop would definitly help us. at least something we could spend money for - these free zUpgrades always feel like stealing from ofers fridge… :wink:


Noise Maker Plugin ??? :smiley:

Now that you mention it, that has me curious as well…

Thank you Pixologic in making Zbrush4 and for the free upgrades. For people that are curious like me what will be the new featuers in zbrush4r2b if there are any?

:qu:Any one news, about this news?:qu:

Hair would be fantastic and in my opinion an essential addition for a program like ZBrush, that is so frequently used to create human figures. I am looking forward to the new release. All the trouble with Mac updates we had in the past are gone, nothing but praise for ZBrush!:+1:

Would really love to see some new tools for doing Hair, similar to what you see in some of the competition software.
Rendering upgrades that would be comparable to some of the higher-end competition software.
I cant really complain, as you’ve given us an amazing product at a great price…
I would just love to keep my entire 3d workflow inside of zbrush (with the exception of photohsop).

Oh, and I almost forgot…

I would really love to see more tools for Automotive and Architectural rendering.
I still find myself using other programs to achieve the best results.

Honestly, if all they did was to fix the “big” problem areas, that’d be more than enough done in my book. This endless drive for more and more new features, without giving them a chance to fully stabilize the existing features is a HORRIBLE thing – go take a look at where Lightwave is today, if you want to see the result. Folks need to give them a chance to fix to finish the features they’ve already given us, instead of constantly giving the impression that every single release must have a plethora of new shiny things (esp. in “minor” patch upgrades).

Pixologic, please leave the new features for the version and .5 updates, and focus the updates inbetween updates on fixes and stabilization. Having a stable, reliable ZBrush with fewer overall features is better than having a ton of partially-implemented, buggy features that only work some of the time, and wind up costing us work daily (ZB isn’t near there yet, but it’s a slippery slope, and steep as well).

No, sorry. The best feature of ZBrush is the quality of the tool and the amazing work that the community is able to create with it. That Pixologic has been as generous as they have with their updates is a blessing. I’m grateful. With respect, show some gratitude—they’ve earned it.

No, sorry.[/QUOTE]
So you don’t agree with Corey when he says one of the best things about Zbrush is that it features free upgrades?

I completely agree. The best feature of Zbrush is Zbrush and the God-like creative power it bestows upon artists. Or were you speaking about a specific tool? :confused:

So you do agree with Corey when he says one of the best things about Zbrush is that it features free upgrades?

With respect, I don’t see anything in the forum rules that says we must all show gratitude when we post. From the sound of Corey’s comment, he is plenty grateful. Like you, I too am grateful and Pixologic has my sincerest thanks for all they have done for artists. However, some folks don’t like Zbrush and do not have anything good to say about it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and I still respect their opinion, even if I don’t agree with it. People need to stop being so sensitive over a (really great) bunch of code lol. :rolleyes:

You’re welcome, and thank you for your continued support of Zbrush artists everywhere. You are an amazing company to say the least, and I look forward to seeing the list of bugs you’ve fixed! :wink:

“With respect, show some gratitude—they’ve earned it.”

Along with the £500 we pay for it …:lol:

Hope they fix the deformation tool settings for Windows 7 64 that leads to unpredictable crashes.

Zeddicus, thanks for sticking up for me, brother!

How is praising someone on something, showing a lack of gratitude?
Here, let me rephrase my comment, as to not offend you…

I’m GRATEFUL that zbrush has made all of their updates free of charge.

Exactly the same as saying: The best feature is the free upgrades…
…Its just a little more urban, and slightly less religious.

At any rate, we all have something in common.
We all use Zbrush either recreationally or commercially.
All for the same reason.
It is KICK@$$.

If Pixologic decides to release ZB5 for free, or if they decide to slap a $500 upgrade fee on it…
I’m still going to be a loyal Zbrush user, and take the means necessary to upgrade.
I was merely paying praise to the fact that this business gives so much to the 3D community.
In a time where nothing is free, economies around the world are in the gutter, they make their product free.
There is something to be said about that.

Keep it up Pixologic, we all love what you are doing.

Fair enough and well said.

The combination of two phrases smacked me the wrong way…“I don’t care what you say…” and “The BEST feature…” I’ve been battling corporations for a long time getting them to live up to their promises. Most recently, it’s the software companies and (twitch) Sony. I respect Pixologic for the pride they seem to take in creating a world-beating tool and for me, that is the best feature. That they have upgraded every licencee for free is remarkable but if the tool was rubbish, that wouldn’t count for much.

Consider if people said, in the face of what your good friends say, that your very best feature was that you always buy drinks and that you never expect repayment. I don’t know about you but I’d like to respected and valued by the quality of my friendship…not the freedom with which I blow my cash.

But enough. I was oversensitive and you use language differently from me. So, I’m willing to end this and continue fantasising about 4r2b…:smiley:

been so busy I just learned of this. Thats so cool how this company treats its customers. I cant wait to see what the change log will all include. good job !!!

awesome , another update , and another free update