
**** ZBrush 3.5 R3 for Windows Released

hmmm still no GoZ?? that’s too bad… That I have extreme respect for Zbrush and I like the new feature it’s bringing to their fans, I’m still hoping for GoZ… I would even say I would exchange these features for GoZ first. I am however going to remain skeptical about the new features till I actually get to try it. I’ve gotten my hopes up before :frowning:

Keep up the good stuff Pixologic, my hats off to you!

I think GoZ is going out in ZB4

Hi, I’m PC and I will have sweet new Zbrush soon. :lol:

Just checked the forum on the off chance and saw that tomorrow I get (maybe) 3.5r3 - SOOOOO HAPPY!

Happy - so Happy!

well I do admit every feature added are sweet but Come on I was waiting for a Mac 3.5 version around the corner since september but Nooo!! Windows have to have a third release of the 3.5 instead, that’s suck. how much longer to wait for?!?! (>.<)

hey don’t get too happy maxmax20093d when they say release tomorrow to me it’s sounds like it’s not exactly what they mean.
Remember the release late september 3.5v for Mac, well we are still waiting.


i’ll keep my fingers, toes and legs crossed

Some really good features here, but being mac user and no 3.5 is leaving us mac users way behind on the learning curve again!! what with ZSpheres II and all of the new brushes and tools it will be a “LOT” of work to have to learn it all at once but I suppose we won’t see anything until January or February now. :mad: What happened to the promise that Pixologic would release Windows and Mac versions at the same time!

Woohoo! You guys rock!

Depends on your point of view, I suppose. For Mac users, it’s exactly the opposite. All they do is talk about releases and then delay — except for those times when they become eerily silent on the matter for long periods (like now, for instance). It would be different if the Mac version cost less. But for the same original investment, we see 3.5r1 and 3.5r2 come and go; these will never be Mac releases. We now have 3.5r3, and who knows if that’ll be for Mac. Sure isn’t now. Even if it comes to the Mac, the Windows users get 3 releases to the Mac’s 1. And that’s assuming it comes to the Mac at all.

Yes but Mac as GoZ - I would LOVE that for PC!!!

but sure Mac version needs to come :slight_smile: I sure it will - LONG LIVE ZBRUSH!

You should get a PC :smiley:

all the best stuff is on PC, including 3rd party developments and scripts and oh so much more. i just built a new rig for 1500 and its got 12 gigs of ram and an i7 and i am rocking the new Zbrush. i love my PC.

oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!,oh my god!, :+1: :sunglasses: :smiley:

thank you!!

This looks very cool!
Thanks Pixologic! :+1:

Thanks for all of this but despite the greatness of the upcoming r3, i’d like to know if the list of quirks have been resolved in this upcoming release. In 3.1 it was the quick menu popup freeze, which thankfully was fixed in 3.5 r2, but now a new quirk just as common and predictable to happen is the use of the lazy mouse brush. I can’t stress enough how much work i’ve lost due using the lazy mouse feature. I am now scared of using such a useful tool.

Asides from this, i’d like to know if these have been addressed as well:

  • deleting part of mesh rids all layers and you lose a tad bit of detail, disables adding a layer.
  • subdividing part of mesh rids all layers, disables adding layers.
  • equalize surface area rids all layers, disables adding layers
  • reimporting mesh onto new lv1 with new polygrouping or making model assymetrical may malfunction smartresym tools(like causing the resymmetry on the otherside to ruin and blow up some vertices out of the mesh).
  • using insertmesh on subtool disables reconstruct subd
  • auto recovery doesn’t save accessible files under the folder. ticking it on slows down performance of zbrush.


Super Awesome!!!

GOD this is so cool !!!

Woot! God Bless the folks at Pixologic! Its like Christmas a month early. :smiley:

!!! wow !!!
