
Yaksha Comics Launched

everyone in this planet has different opinions.That is why we are so similar yet so different

Can you tell me why and what exactly you not liking in it ?

I dont think you have even read the comic.

Why should I start my comic from scratch ? this is not just another project it is my dream, which I wont change for anyone.

There are people out there who like my comic, and also who dont like my comic.

Point is if I learn from people who dont like my comics I will be able to improve in my coming issues.

as you said criticism needs to be constructive ? but you havent criticized it- you simply rejected it, you cannot criticise untill you read it first.

Read it then let me know your opinion.

yes Angel - back on track now :wink:

See I need to say this comic is not about superhero types or gaming types you people read nowdays.

My comic is more based on the story, the way it is narrated and the way it will make you laugh with all the adventures going around in Ancient India.

So dont be narrow minded and try to look at it in only one manner

Read it and then you will be able to judge better, it is different. :slight_smile:

I honestly wouldn’t let doron’s ‘verdict’ (which may not have come across so mean if stated as an opinion) knock your enthusiasm Sunny.

I also think you should not put ‘all your eggs in one basket’ if you get my meaning? I cannot speak for people as a whole, I can only guess and compare to similar works such as yours, and in my opinion yours is as good as, and in some cases better than current kids books on the market. I have been buying quite a few kids books/toys etc lately for my little Neice who is nearly 2 years old, so i’ve seen quite a few to compare. She can’t read of course! But she loves picture books!! :smiley:

Anyways, as I was saying Sunny, don’t have one goal and one path to that goal in mind. There are so many things you could do with your work. Send it to publishers, papers, comics, any and all media distributers! It would make a great weekly strip in a paper, a nice little kids book, a kids comic, a storyboard for an animated film even! All it takes is the right person to see your work and pickup on it. Just aiming for self publication is a great start Sunny, but I think you’d be limiting your chances by ruling out contacting publishers etc as I’ve already mentioned.



I am not restricting myself on one path.

I just had a talk with few newspapers and they will use my characters as cartoons on thier pages commenting on recent news issues.

I am planning to come out with games and as well as toys on it.

I am not going to restrict myself only on comics, though it will be the spine of my work and needs to become better day by day.

It is just that I want to have some personal control over these procedures, thats how I work mostly, love working alone, without creative restrictions.

Who ever have bought my comic till now, has given me good positive response, forget the graphics they even told me that I know how to write a good story and should stick with the simple look of my comics and make the story more interesting as I progress…

people who havent read my comics can say from the outlook that ok this is bad, but they will never exactly know the real thing, untill they read it.

Again my main aim is to avoid violence and this might not appeal to some people while may appeal to many other people.

It is just about perceptions and opinion of people and I am not going to get effected because that way I will have to take into consideration thousands of opinions which is not possible.

Yes my effort will be to constantly upgrade my skils and make better comic so that it reaches to every possible person on this planet, if someone refuses to have a look at my comic today, he may think about his decision tommrow , buy it and realize “sunny has made it better and I am liking it”.

My mission is to make people laugh and enjoy few moments in our stressfull life.

Thats it. :smiley:

Hey wckedsunny, your fan base is growing! (doron excluded, seems to have social issues on various threads) Oh well, I’m waiting on comic #2, just trying to figure out how I’m going to prove I had one of the first comics when you are famous. As for distribution, go with what makes you money my friend, otherwise you need not bother with all the effort. Sorry about the little nature issues you have been having. I was down at the local comic shop and Chapters (big book store) and took a look at what is currently being offered kid wise compared to your project. You seem to have gotten pretty close with your first swing to many of the successful products. I mean, it’s not my thing, however I’m not the target audience and I’m an old fart. The marketing and your tenacity will probably be the deciding factor! I liked the extra piece as well, I learnt a little more than what I had gleaned from all the old Sinbad movies! LOL

Thanks Jason

I dont know about the future but for today your name is up on my homepage as you were the first person to give me a review, even before lemo and angel :wink:

Thanks again


I’m a little confused about the Sinbad connection Jason? Maybe it a private joke? :smiley: I though Sinbad was from Persia? (Now Iraq)

Anyways, sorry I got hold of the wrong end of the stick Sunny. Sounds like you definitely have a plan thats covering all the bases.

Toys would be interesting to see, although I’m assuming that’s more of a future project?

Glad your making progress Sunny, and as Jason said, you certainly have the tenacity to carry this through :wink:

wckedsunny : you are absolutely correct. I did not read your comic. and I didn’t mean to crit your book as a whole. I was only referring to the graphics, and more specifically to the character design. I think its to row and that the characters concept could use some work.

once again I would like to apologies if I offended you. that was not my intention.
and you don’t argue with success right? :slight_smile:

I know the roll of thumb here is “if you don’t have anything good to say don’t say anything at all” but I don’t agree with that. I think it is more damaging then helpful. many times I sow people here get frustrated (especially the new ones) because there work is being generally ignored. and that simply push them out of this community.

criticism should defiantly be constructive and helpful. it should also be professional not “social”

on a personal note - yes I do have the tendency to say outload what others might just keep to themselves. but the doctors are working on it…


Hey Doron I am not offended.

and you are not the first person who told me that my characters are raw and stiff.

These are the first 3d charcters I have ever created in my life. So obviously they are not going to be the best- look wise.

I have even mentioned this on my website and as I improve my zbrush skills I will be creating better graphics and detailed characters for coming issues.

The point is I wanted to take my story to the world, now either I would have waited to learn zbrush properly for another 6 months with almost no funds left to launch my site or launch it now and improve it as I progress…

This comic is not for professionals or 3d artists but for every normal people out there who want to have some fun in life. So just come out of the designing mode and have a look at it.

I think after all this you should really read my comics now to see that it is really that bad as you think it is or not :wink:

>>i realy dont like this project.
good for you. i couldn’t care less what you like. you suck.

ok i didn’t mean any of that. just trying to offend you the same way so you might post with more thought next time. you don’t need to not crit something but that was not a crit. at least explain what you don’t like in a helpful manner. feel free to not like it and be blunt as you want. but at least have some substance in your words. if i had left it at “you suck.” you wouldn’t know that i didn’t really mean that (and i don’t).

sunny, rock on. good for you. go at it! i’ll take a look when i have a chance…

ok i will read it.

is there a way to do that without departing of 1.25$?

Well Doron currently no other way sorry. But info below might make you more interested. :wink:

Ok for those of you who have read the comic and ancient India faqs.

Currently India , especially my city Calcutta is going through a festive season.

It is called Durga puja- the festival of goddess Durga.








Fantastic images…all zbrush?

Cool! Thanks for sharing!
We need more Durga’s in this world…

And… enjoy your festivities!

Ya Bicc… all zbrush 2, no zbrush 2.5 :wink: lols

You better stop drinking that beer and get hold of my comics.

Yeh lemo, more Durga, dont show this to your wife, you know the strength of the woman- atleast dont remind her of her powers which can be fatal for you later :wink: :lol:

Ok here are few latest pics.

nowdays the festival has become more of theme based.

Like one has been created on the recent terrosist attacks - bombay train blasts

These train compartments are not real but wood models


This is the season of all the artists out there, from clay modelers to painters and even electricians and digital artists.










I never will go to BOMB-ay, but for you, have a nice trip and a lot of inspiration.

Simply fantastic.
What did you render them in?
Can you post wireframes?

dude, …

Excellent pictures! Very interesting to see what’s going on somewhere else.
Looking at the cars I recall the bombings again. I feel so sorry about that.
It’s so far away, so it’s pushed out of the daily thoughts quickly… One should never forget!

You are a great ambassador for your culture!
