
Vir Norin Sketchbook

No motivation? What? That doesn’t compute. Lol.

Yes, there are several renders of her (greyscale or polypainted and with skinshade4 applied) on the previous page that were done with BPR. While not physically correct, I find Zbrush renders more plausible and stylized that fits to her better since this character is also semi-realistic.

Great work in here. keep up!

Thank you. I hope to find an energy to finish at lest her sculpt (not talking about the whole scene). Maybe when the summer heat will go away…

No motivation? What? That doesn’t compute. Lol.

This is a common situation to me: losing motivation in the middle of the project and opening another one without closing a previous. Still trying to wrap my head around this and find a way to finish all this numerous sculpts/

Another anatomy practice. This time - male.
I’m interested more in sculpting his body, but I did a quick head sketch since I’m pretty sure that if I will leave a head as an abstract egg-shape - it will bug me during the entire sculpt. I hope I’ll add more details to the head later :slight_smile:
PS Yeah, the ear is awful :slight_smile: And hair is quick and temporary

My first try in posing with Zsphere rig. And I should say it is AWESOME. I remember a nightmare when I did a posing of a character with ~20 subtools just with Transpose master - I was really close to kill myself against a wall.
But now it is just a matter of making a quick rig (5-10 minutes) and pose, pose, POSE. It even works smoothly with fibermesh… though my PC isn’t very powerful, hence the feedback is much slower
Still need to fix her mesh (especially around her joints), and align her fingers with rifle and a tie.
This pose is quite simple, but I will make more complicated ones later

Learning drapery and folds. I have minor experience in sculpting clothing so I will be glad to hear any suggestions.
I’m almost not using references (and not only because I failed to find an image of a shirt in a similar position) but also because I want to understand the nature of drapery instead of blindly copying it from a photo. Obviously - no details here, just trying to figure out main direction of folds, where is a tension etc. So yeah, feel free to point me if you see a mistake.

I did this pose yesterday. I’m doing it from memory just to train my imagination and check anatomy knowledge (I haven’t read Goldfinger about 3 month so a lot of gaps may occur if not repeating it again and again)
In some places mesh was completely destroyed so I’m resculpting it almost from scratch. The anatomy of shoulder girdle when the arms are raised is the most difficult part in the whole human body (at least for me). A lot of resculpting still should be done.
I did some quick blurring in Photoshop to hide aliasing since it is just a screen-grab

good job
is well:+1:

Thank you very much for commenting. I’m glad that you like it :slight_smile:

I just hope people here are not bored already with her WIP’s :slight_smile:
This render is just a small gift to myself after another sculpting session. Still need to fix her arms. Forearms needs more mass, fingers and hands are quite messy after the posing. Also, not the best angle to show her features - when rotating a model in Zbrush with such a big canvas, navigation becomes awkward and slows down.
Quick lighting was made mainly to show her body rather than face… hm, looks like that because her face structure broad lighting doesn’t look too flattering for her. Frontal (maybe loop or butterfly) lighting works better.
Render is a BPR in Zbrush + minor correction in PS (have some issues with masks so I left it as is)
Image is really compressed from the original 2 mb. So if you are interested - feel free to heck her in my DA page

Can I say it? Can I? I will say it anyway! INSTANT BONER! Awesome update! :o

Haha, thank you, Gucio :slight_smile: This is completely normal reaction and I believe that moderators will understand your emotions :smiley:

Girl’s head started as a likeness practice and now is growing into original character

She is supposed to be a Centauride so I’m also sculpting a horse part. I hope to finish her one day.

Good job man! If I can make a crit I would say that the boobies are a little weightless, too much up-pointing and the face is overall too flat, like it is a mask, try to risk more with the shapes and muscles underneath the skin :smiley:

Thanks, Dario! I’m still not satisfied with the form of her breasts. I was so happy about boobies in my previous character (especially on the last render with a pose) so basically I’m trying to get a similar form here and being frustrated about failing it. I’m a big fan of the perky breasts with slightly raised areola. Speaking about proportions - yeah, her nipples are slightly higher than the second head measurement (since her proportions are far from 8 heads tall and more close to the teen). I should polish this area more and probably shift them down Speaking about the flatness of her face. Hmm… lets analyze it. She looks more three dimensional with a blinn-like shader and no colors. My thoughts are that here it is a combination of very frontal lighting and shiny shader (see how the entire area of her chest above the breasts appears too bright and as one solid plane) + too many postprocessing killing halftones. Also, it is possible that my render settings are screwed: I was messing with WDepth and LDepth of the shadows so shading might be wrong. Though I will definitely check her face structure so thanks for commenting - it means a lot.

Did a centaur mannequin today to test some possible poses. Still should learn a lot about equine anatomy and some nuances about how they are kneeling and lying.

That’s pretty good! I’ve often thought about trying to create my own mannequins, or adding hands to the standard ones (using the hand mannequin), but i’m not quite sure how to do it :stuck_out_tongue: the docs seem a bit vague.

Thank you. Are you talking about this article http://docs.pixologic.com/user-guide/3d-modeling/modeling-basics/creating-meshes/mannequins/ ? For me the way of making this mannequin was almost straightforward. Except for one little thing. When I made a first test model from default ZSphere I was able to assign Sphereinder and Sphere primitives as connector and local meshes although they were looking a bit odd. But in the process of creation the final mannequin pictured above those primitives were grayed out so I was forced to convert them into polymeshes3d first. I believe this is because I made my mannequin by appending Zsphere as a subtool to my sculpt hence it failed to insert straight primitives

Having fun while detailing the horse part of my Centauride. Still not satisfied with the human part so I’m not touching it for now. A lot of things here requires explanation but I’m too tired now to write it (I forgot to save last hours of work, lol)
A bit muscular but overall effect will be softened after adding a fur.
Details on the transition area are still very vague. Still didn’t find the best solution and golden middle between working anatomy and sexy looking surface. Probably I should sacrifice something.

PS This two bulging forms that are looking like labia majora are just a distal bellies of the rectus abdominis, attached to the extended manubrium of the sternum of the horse. But my perverted mind did this intentionally… just for fun (also I feel distracted when this area is absolutely smooth - there should be at least something)


Seriously man? a horse?! sexy?!
Jokes aside, try using a more thin and longilineal animal shape, like another horse race or something more deer-ish, that might help…or just work out those muscles in the human part XD