
SketchBook: TheGreenMachine *contains nudity*

Wow, this last page has some awesome stuff! Especially compared to your early efforts, these new sculpts rock. Your skills have improved greatly. Another thing – are the designs yours? If so, even more awesome! It’s tough to come up with eye-catching demons and spacesuits these days…

I’m impressed and inspired. I love threads where you can see the artist get better and better over time.

Hey thx guys!

Thx for noticing the first page vs. last page aspect of my work :slight_smile: sometimes I go to page 1 and remind myself, sometimes I don’t even believe I came from there :stuck_out_tongue:
And…yes they are my own designs, it’s unbelievable how much the later versions of Zbrush just let you be so free and just let you get things done the moment they pop in your head.

It’s been quite a journey at least, lots of work

I’ll be doing a breakdown of the Spacesuit for my graduation, i’ll be posting it asap

quick concept I’ve been working on :slight_smile: enjoy




little sideproject, expressing my toony side…

graduation work update :slight_smile:


very cool works on all !!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great artwork!

thx guys, here another small updates :slight_smile: cheers



really like the proportion of the top guy

nice style and interesting characters:):+1:

thx guys!

another update on my main piece, starting to take shape, very much work in progress


really cool – i like the awkwardness of the suite. like a real spacesuite. yer not letting bs flashy design trump the realities of materials and purpose.

Lekker bezig jongeeee!

thx thx (Zax…danku vriendelijk gozah)

Being busy on my lowres game mesh texturing work, slight boredom occured so I did a quick sculpt and paintover, enjoyDevilish_low2.jpg



update* lowres spacesuite game mesh @ 30k (neeeeds de-res!!!)

cool stuff!~

Im curious for updates man, haha!

idem Zax :wink:

slight update yay!:

I recently watched some of Ryan Kingsliens videos on his youtube channel and I wanted to try out some of his techniques. I feel his workflow is more of a mindset than an actual “do this and then that”-kinda thing. I wanted get a nice effect with little high contrast detail, a more subtle effect was sought after. enjoy :slight_smile:

some more stuff for the archives :slight_smile:


