
Questions and Answers for the Insert Multi-Mesh Repository

So it turns out it looks like the orientation of the mesh at the time of capture actually matters. I learned this from this thread:



Hope this helps someone else because this was driving me crazy for a few hours trying to figure out what was going on.

I found it, its in the Geometry Pallet under Modify Topology, its called “Mesh From Brush”.
Sorry it took me so long


Heya. Is there a way to preserve UVs for IMM brushes? I have made a set of planks and created an IMM brush for these to populate buildings etc. When populating the brush does not preserve UVs for the planks. Is there something I missed along the way when creating the brush so I don’t lose the UVs for the planks? Right now I transfer UVs from master planks in Maya, but it would be really nice if the brush kept UVs so I can lay out instead of wasting time transferring as well. With 1000 planks, it will take some time :slight_smile:


Is there a way to twist sections along the curve?
I made this shoe lace CurveMeshInsert Brush and I’m at a point, where I might have to give up, trying to the the lace through the holes.


Hi, without realising that the M hotkey was used to bring up the selection menu for IMM brushes, I overwrote it to a different command. Now I can’t figure out how to select a part from any of the IMM brushes. Help please?

Oh my

I know there is a way to fix that but I don’t know what it is. But I do know how to do what you are asking:
In the Brush Menu under Modifiers you will see an icon of your IMM Brush, if you click that you will see all the other ones.

I always worry when I’m messing about with the UI that I will do something like that, something like turning the Edit button into Deactivate ZBrush button of something horrid like that.

Anyhow, I hope that helps!


Hi Mealea! :smiley:

That is a button, and as such, can be assigned a hotkey. If he Alt+Ctrl+click on it, he can just press Delete to delete the last assigned hotkey, or he can just assign M, or whatever key he want’s to it again.

What this one said. I just reassigned it to the M key, so now it works like it originally did. Many Thanks!

My main problem was not knowing where the menu to select from a IMM library was. But that’s all fixed now! :smiley:

This is kind of a weird question- but I can’t seem to figure this out and this seems like the best place to ask. Say I have a mesh I want to insert, i’m using IMM so it can scroll through the different meshes randomly. I want to be able to draw out the mesh from the bottom out, like how you would drag rectangle out an alpha, but everytime I drag out it creates the mesh in both directions instead of snapping at the end point. Is there any way to do this? Turning on curve seems to work fine for that functionally but when you do that it sets the mesh to repeat- is there a way to only draw out one mesh with a curve? That could be a workaround for me. Thanks!

Also MealeaYing, that trick of yours worked :slight_smile: Thanks so much

How do you select what object to insert with a IMM brush? Is there some subtool pallete for selection of tools?

M key or you can click on the ‘MeshInsert Preview’ in ‘Brush > Modifiers’ submenu.

I’ve just encountered something weird; all of my insert mesh brushes draw out at a flattened shape. And I don’t mean flattened in the Z as if the Z intensity were down (it’s all the way up to 100), they’re all flattened along the X axis (such that, say, the male head looks like a cut-out profile). This is across ALL insert mesh brushes and all tools and persists even after I initialise. Can someone please tell me what suddenly changed, and how to change it back? Thanks!

I’m trying to make a railroad track IM brush but I can’t get the track to curve where they connect The IM Brush videos doesn’t seem to help or I missed the part where it says how to do this. Any help on how to do this or pointers to video tuts that does?
Also, when in cure mode from the stroke palette sometimes it does not deactivates when I go to another tool but if I go to Brush palette and weld it sometimes deactivates - what is the correct way to embed the IM Brush once done so you can continue another area on the ztool with the same IM Brush when in curve mode - turning curve off doesn’t seem to do it.
track and terrain.JPG

Hey Spaceman, how long did you make your track used for the brush? The instance of the object you create for the brush, should be short, if you want to follow a track nicely. I you use long object, you’ll have to you a high Curve Resolution (Under Brush > Modifier, I think - or else Under Stroke > Curve
 I get those places confused a lot).

Ok I tried the Curve res and it curved the ties but distorted the rails.track1.JPGbrush modifieries1.JPGstroke palette.JPG

Anyone have any idea how to fix this issue with the multi mesh curve brush? When I hold shift to wrap my curve around a perfectly round cylinder, all the points seem to snap to the surface except for the start and end. They are slightly inside of the surface and it makes it hard to get the curve wrapped perfectly around the cylinder. I have stretch on, weld, high curve resolution, etc. I could just use the move tool, but it would be nice if they just snapped on the surface. If I move the curve slightly to get them to snap, i usually end up with some distortion when they weld up, so that isn’t the best solution either sometimes.


spaceman, make sure the rails have enough resolution to be able to bend (Shif-F, look at the geometry). Also, make sure all pieces belong to the same Polygroup.

I did a Dynamesh at about 800 res on the ztool then created another IM Brush from it which now has a file size of over 2megs the IM Brush that is. And it’s one color so I guess it’s one polygroup. I then set the curved res to 6 and it seems to be curving now.
Does the polys look good to you?
track with Danamesh at about 800 res.JPGtrain track 1 moved the curved res to 6.JPG

Hey spaceman, I wouldn’t have the rails merged like this with the boards. They should be separate objects, so that you can treat them separately, once you texture them. Don’t use Dynamesh in this case.

The boards should be relatively low poly, so that you don’t wind up with insanely large files, after creating a completed rail road.

When you have the boards and the iron tracks ready to create the brush, go to Polygroup and group visible.