
Questions and Answers for the Insert Multi-Mesh Repository

There are a whole bunch of them and you can make your own as well…
The reason you cant find it is that it is the TYPE of brush not the name of a brush.
Try any of the brushes labeled “IMM” in the brush pallet. For example: “IMM Zipper M”.

Once you see what they can do you will want to make your own, and then you will be addicted, its very cool stuff.
heres a link with a bunch of great tutorials:


Indeed! Amazing stuff!

|This brush is not working for some reason, I have looked at the settings for other brushes such as the zipper ones and cant see what I am doing wrong.
There are three brushes in this, hook and eye, hook, and eye.
the hook comes out a different size than the eye and neither can be adjusted to fit the other when drawn separately.
There are also serious depth problems and orientation is chaotic, sometimes they come out aimed in or are twisted…
The depth problem is out of control and I do not even know how to describe it other then its just wrong somehow.

If anyone knows what I’m doing wrong I would be thrilled!

I’m including both bits and the resulting brush, I would have included the two parts combined but I foolishly messed with the deformation pallet and it did its usual nasty.

HookAndEye.zip (63.3 KB)

(and thanks!)

HookAndEye.zip (63.3 KB)

Hi Mealea,

Is this supposed to be a chain? Do you have a reference image you are working from so I can see what the final outcome should be or can you draw what it’s supposed to look like or how they should be connected when drawn out using curve mode?

Hello, trying to understand how do you edit your curve? is there a hotkey to delete curve points? alt? I must have missed it on the video. Also question #2, how do you fix an already dropped insert mesh chain? do you select via mask and delete? please advise. thank you :slight_smile:

Yes, please provide some more information on how you envision this looking/working. I don’t see any repeatable parts in this current brush.

Hya guys,
Hya ZBer!!!
Its weird, some times it works and sometimes it does not, what I figured was that I could make a hook and eye brush that would have one set “hooked” and both halves of not hooked, they are supposed to be like the hooks you would find on some boots, corsets, and most bras but I keep getting weird results with every thing from depth to size, depth in all three parts and size in the “unhooked” ones.

I made the first one, the closed one, all at once using ZSpheres so they would not only fit each other but would be the right size in relation to each other, this failed.
The hook as you can see is larger, it was larger when I separated them (but only after turning them into a brush) and its larger after using Unify in the deformation pallet (again only after turning them into a brush).

Also the depth (on all three parts) is screwy, I am using snap on a sphere here and its like they are snapping to a different sized sphere.
In the one where they are hooked I know that the brush stroke for the hook and eye brush is the same as the groove in the surface, I used Replay Last in the Stroke pallet, but the depth is still off and is not (as near as I can tell) fixable, some are good and some float while others sink into the surface…

Anyhow, here is the best I can get (so far, now I am hell bent on getting this sort of thing right!!!):


This is a crappy image but it shows what is happening better than others I tried to make interesting.

Cheers! (and thanks!)



The Curve Modifier under the stroke menu, I cannot save this with a brush.
I tried to save it separate but I get an error. Anyone? Same problems?

I tried this using your feather brush. The ‘Curve Falloff’ did not save with the brush. If the ‘Curve Falloff’ not being saved with the brush is an oversight by the Pixologic developers…, only they can say. I was able to save and load the ‘Curve Falloff’ itself seperately without any errors but I don’t have any idea why you can’t.

@ Mealea

Thanks for explaining that Mealea. I tried the brush, and…

  1. With the joined hook and eye, I see that it does float above the surface a bit. This can be fixed by the ‘Brush > Depth > Imbed’ slider. Keep an eye on this when creating and testing your IMM brushes. That is what determines the depth of the stroke in relation to the surface. The ‘Imbed’ will save with the brush. Sidenote: It is probably a good idea when making an IMM brush with different components (subtools), to ‘Unify’ each component first before you save the brush.

  2. With the hook and eye seperate, they do draw flush with the surface with a consistant size and spacing (apart from the fatness of the hook which I found can be sorta fixed with a -1.5 Inflate Balloon).

  3. re: where you show the joined hook and eye following the Dam_Standard like stroke. With ‘Snap’ enabled, the stroke will follow every little nook and cranny and this can be tricky at times. I found that using ‘Replay Last’ isn’t that predictable when it comes to the curve stroke with an IMM brush. One solution might be that you could draw the stroke right beside the “ditch” and then move it over. If you watch Geerts (Etcher) zipper video and tutorial right beneath it, that might give you another solution on how to do it.

I hope this helps a little bit at least, but I can’t figure out why it would be so inconsistant on your end though.

Maybe a ‘Mac-bug’. I expected the curve should be saved with the brush. Can you make a curve and post it, so I can try to import it?
Or can you post the brush saved on your system?


I saved the brush with the altered curve falloff and the curve, Both are in the zip file. I’m on PC BTW.

feather brush change.zip (11.8 KB)feather brush change.zip (11.8 KB)

Here is what the curve should look like.


i’ve tried to use of few of the posted IMM brushes from the library thread (including this feather brush) & I get an error saying the brush was created in a newer version of ZBrush [4.42]. I’m running 4R4…did I miss an update? any ideas?

The latest update is 4R4 P2. Just click on Zplugin > Auto Update > Check New Updates. See this post.

thnx :slight_smile:

@ Zber2, thanks. Must be the system, there is no way to save the file here.

Here’s a question… say you downloaded a brush and it’s drawing at a different angle to the mesh than you’d like (perpendicular instead of flat on it) is there a way to change the angle? I’m not sure how to access the tri parts of the mesh since it was a downloaded brush, otherwise I’d just recapture it.



There is a way of recapturing it, if I remember correctly there is a button that just pops out the mesh of the brush, but I cannot remember what the button is, or more importantly WHERE it is. I am an airhead.
However if you turn off curve mode (in the Stroke Pallet) and draw the brush as a single insert mesh you can then go into the Subtool Pallet and under Split hit the Group Split button, now you can delete the object you drew the brush onto and have nothing but a single instance of the brush itself, its VERY handy for exactly what you are trying to do.


I’m having trouble getting my IMM brush’s multi meshes to be oriented correctly. When I draw these new brushes onto a surface (say a sphere) they are orientated facing to the side instead of pointing directly off the surface.

Here are two arrows that have been orientated traveling down the Z axis and the Y axis. For some reason the only way I could get the orientation correct was to import my objects in from Maya.


Anyone know what is going on here?