
MOTH3R - Sketchbook (tutorial Pg. 2)

I always liked etcher’s breakdowns, but this hexagon breakdown takes the cake, well done

Great work!

How did you get such nice smoothly curved polygroups in order to do the curved paneling? Is it just really high resolution with polygroups from masking? GroupLoops? Curves built into the topology?

Looks great - and I love Asimov, so it’s nice to see the rules followed. Cheers!

…animated ? :sunglasses:

And have you Moi3D in your 3D Toolset ?

Congrats for Top Row!!
Thanks a lot for sharing all this material and breask downs. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Hey Moth3r, that Robotic Baby Concept looking real good, pretty strong design and the level of detail are quite balanced. Awesome work!! Just that the face of the Baby looks creepy :smiley: Keep them coming :+1:

Deviant Art - www.ltken84.deviantart.com
Portfolio - www.kenlim84.daportfolio.com
Blog - http://amazingbeggars.wordpress.com/
Reel - https://vimeo.com/54710483

whats a brilliant idea :smiley:
love the execution

It’s hard not to love SF when so much of it can come true!

I was using MOI when it was free beta some years ago. Nurbs are great but digital clay for me it’s currently the fastest way to feel and execute some idea. It could sound funny but I moved on Zbrush regarding hard surfacing features :slight_smile: Thanks to Mike Jensen and his great book Zen of Zbrush. I would still recommend MOI to everyone. It’s really powerful, on example for converting - tessellating your CAD models into polygons.

Glad I could be of assistance!

Thank you very much Ken! Regarding the creep factor, I’d guess I’ve seen too much DARPA videos :slight_smile: Maybe we should stop experimenting while we still can :slight_smile:

Thank b2przemo! Maybe it’s time to stop render engine wars and put that effort back to work… or better presentation :slight_smile:

awesome design, congratulations for top row!

Wow, this is really great… and Thank you for the Break down. Extremely informative and useful!

Thank you very much Petru!

Thank you SolidSnakexxx! I am glad you like it. I am big fan of Metal Gear Solid as well :slight_smile:

Hey Moth3r! ( Sounds weird)
Your stuff is great! love it and you have inspired me and thats for the little making off. Its very helpful. Cheers ! :smiley:

Hey RajbirD! I agree it’s a bit weird name unless you are Sgt. Ripley on board of the Nostromo’s main computer. :). Regarding my work, there are many others who inspired me so “making of” was a right thing to do :slight_smile:

Ivan, I’m sorry to sound redundant, but thank you for sharing your extraordinary work and your process. Your site and the additional projects featured are equally impressive. Your graphic design background and love for industrial design has definitely put you in a class by yourself among ZBrush artists.

And the way you present your models and tutorials is the best I’ve ever seen. Your talents are only surpassed by your willingness to give credit to everyone who helped you along the way and your generosity for sharing what you’ve learned (and figured out on your own) with the rest of us.

So I thank you and all of the other artists in this community who’ve taken so much time to teach us all of the ins and outs of ZBrush. I hope to one day be able to do the same for others.

Congratulations on all of your accomplisments so far and the many more to come.

First of all, thank you very much Tony! I am honored! Even though,I am not really sure how much I personally deserve, it makes me really persistent to pursue this career. Credit is due to all the people who helped by sharing their work. Some are pros some hobbyist but nobody is here acting like an amateur. As you already mentioned, without that strong community, I wouldn’t be going anywhere. Therefore, It’s also feedback to them as well.


Hi Moth3r,

I really like your “Model XY³”. Can you tell us something about the modelling of the hand? I guess you did “polygroups by masking” and then “panel loops”? If this is correct, have you done the masking freehand? It looks so perfect!


Hi KingKnecht!

I’m glad you like it because right now I see a lot of room for improvement :slight_smile: So… you’re completely right, everything was mostly done by “polygroups by masking” technique. For cleaner masks you can apply “lazy mouse” but I prefer to have this feat. turned off. Before that, I had my hand polished and dynamesh to about 200k polys. Also, a hand is consisted of multiple parts which automatically makes everything to appear more interesting and dynamic. After you establish your mechanical forms don’t forget to put some “Surface noise” textures above them (morph brush). Also, leave some areas clear so you can apply some stamps as well!
If you have some issues with panel loops you can apply a lower setting (0.05 - 0.1) or use polish by features / groups a couple of times more. I mostly don’t go for a 100% setting, instead I use a somewhat lower value (20-50%). I apply corrections with a move brush to the corner edges and then I repeat the whole process as many times as needed it.


Great work man. Congratz!

Damn! That looks like it’d be fully movable if you printed it!


In future weeks I am about to release some of my new works but before that I would like to post 2013 - Year in review montage. I would also like to thank you all for all your support! 2013 will be remembered after your votes for the Top-Rowand new ZBrush workshop we have started here in Zagreb, Croatia. I wish you again the most successful 2014 and stay tuned for the future updates.

Best regards,




Happy Easter! workshop.moth3r.com