
morrisCowboys sketchbook

Fantastic work all around - great stuff. Keep it up! :+1:

goooood work :+1:

some serious stuff in this thread!!:slight_smile: great overall mood:+1:

Awesome render OO Fantastic job in general

Rendered in Zbrush as usual. Comp in photoshop.
angry faun 1k render side.jpg

Amazing as always! … I always look forward to seeing your new work! Cheers, David :smiley:

Excellent work! :+1:

Just efffing AWESOME!!! Love it!!! :cool:

Another amazing piece my friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I bow to your epic awesomeness!

I just “holy crapped!” in my mouth a little. AGAIN! Awesome sculpt and render! Keep inspiring (and somewhat depressing) the rest of us!

Please tell me this is a Top Row thread.

The angry faun is utterly fantastic.


Hope so, but I don’t know man. A lot of top row work seems to be going unrecognized right now.

sick expression in your recent sculpt, its gritty and your confidence in the sculpt shows. love to see your zbrush render to photoshop process

Teddy007kong -THREAD COMMENTS AND CRITIQUES PLEASE :p:roll_eyes:small_orange_diamond:laughing:

I’ve been wondering about this. One thought that came to mind was that if an artist doesn’t have a licensed copy of Z-Brush or doesn’t show that they work anywhere that owns Z-Brush that Pixologic won’t post those images? I am not sure why else so many top row quality images have been passed over for slightly less (but still good) quality work.

Great job on the sculpt!

Great sculpts and awesome style! :+1:

Excellent !

This is differently cool:-) nice texturing and rendering

That last render is great! :smiley: Good job!


Great render!

great sculpt! congrats.