
"Middle Button" Plug-in for ZBrush 4R6

Hi, mac4kent. I used 1_6RC1 for debugging windows version, it does not include OSX library.
Try, please, 1_5 version: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?183019-quot-Middle-Button-quot-Plug-in-for-ZBrush-4R6&p=1095427&viewfull=1#post1095427

You can get your friend or your family sign language and they can help you speak with my ASL on youtube about MiddleMouse on Blender and ZBrush
Mac OS X 10.10

Thank’s !

It would be cool to receive the version of a plug-in for work with a brush:
MMB Drag=Brush Size
Shift+MMB Drag=Brush Intensity

Hi AlexanderM, you can do that by mapping your middle button to a key and using it on the ZAdjustor plugin.

I had to make an account to say thank you for this plug-in.

Thanks, Denvi!

Wow, that makes life so easy…thxalot

I did not get your answer sigh.
I did not found where ZBrush rotate screen on middle mouse drag.

Omg. This is insane. Thank you!!

simply great!!!
just a think… i put the same set of rhino… (rmb shift: pan) (rmb: rotate) and rmb control to scale… the problem is: to increas i put my mouse reward… and to decrease forward…(sorry for my english)… while in rhino is inverse…increas forward and decreas reward… and it is what i need… i think and i hope this is possible … THANNK yUO

I think what the previous poster wants to say is that an option to invert the zoom drag direction was helpful. I agree.

thank you for reply …i mean this … i want to increase scale in this way: press rmb and forward mouse… and decreas: press rmb and backwards mouse … just like rhino… zbrush use inverse method…I do not understand what you’re referring to post, maybe I need to change something in the script “middle button” but there is no file txt

Will do this weekend for Windows version.

Will do this weekend for Windows version.



Double Post Sry.assd.jpgoppok.jpg

I feel so naked without your plugin in 4R7! please make a new version. Or pixologic: do the right thing and just incorporate this into the core software!

will be great :slight_smile:

Yes please. Love your plugin, vital to my work flow. Gracias! :smiley:

Just showing my need for this to be fixed for 4R7 64-bit, I’m having to use 32-bit as I cannot work without it.