
Lessons In Zbrush 3 (videos)

Marcus I know you are watching;)
You think I might have the ability to edit my first post back so I can keep this thread organized?

I think I have patched the lessons up so they now make sense with 3.1.
Brushes are totally broken down to how they work so watch them in order and they should lead you to the path of polygons;)

I had to stick this one here because i cant edit my first post anymore.


So I would watch this one 3rd (before lesson 2)

Downloading Lesson2Recap now. As always - AWESOME!!! :+1: :+1: :+1:
Thanks for all your work!!!

Thanks once again Jason for this awesome tutorial. I haven’t had too much time to experiment with the brushes in 3.1, but you show off their uses well.

Jason from my own experiments, reproject higher subdiv seems to work better if you actually do it at the lowest level.
also i want to say i love this brush tut, thanks for showing the side by sides of the brushes, you’re absolutely right about the layer brush.

Thanks again, Jason, you are fantastic to keep this updated!

Now I have a general question about the Maya tuts (sort of off topic, I know, but where else can I ask you, lol)

I don’t use Maya. I know there is a PLE, but I figure if I like it and get used to it, what then? I cannot afford the full version - probably never will! But I do have a couple of other modeling programs, so I am thinking that, aside from interface stuff and how widgets work, etc, there may yet be some valuable lessons in there.

My question is - what other 3d programs would Maya be closest to in terms of type of modeling. I have TrueSpace 7, which does have quite a few modeling options. I also have Hexagon2 (lol, the $2 modeling program, but hey, it works!) and I have Shade 8.5. I know there are also some free programs out there.

So, would it benefit me as far as concepts of modeling in general, and if so, which programs would be most similar?

Thanks in advance! (And maybe someone else knows the answer to this too?


Thanks for taking the time to create such great tutorials. I just signed up for an account. Keep up the good work!

judee well theres one thing I would try first Goto www.academicsuperstore.com
I really dont know your situation but if you are a college student or a highschool student or even taking adult ed classes anywhere that you can prove with a student ID you can get Maya for like 289 complete version or 389 for unlimited.
These are non commercial versions. Only meaning that you cannot use to make money from output. (Luckly Zbrush is Commercial So render in it).
The other two programs you might wanna try is first Silo
http://www.nevercenter.com/ Not bad at 159.

And Last Blender.

Only bad thing about blender is that you have to be a Hardcore Geek to get past the fact that everything is a shortcut key. And you think Zbrush is bad at writing down directions. Boy you havent seen anything yet.

So ya that said watch the silo videos on their site I think youll love that program. Besides all you really need at a starter level is a low level polygon modeler program. So you can produce low level assets for Zbrush

Thanks for the links, Jason. :smiley:

That academic one is tempting, but it’s my daughter who is the University Student, not me. And knowing she has no interest in 3d art (strictly 2d and manga art for her!) I doubt I could justify using her student license to purchase, lol! Tempting, yes. sigh Sometimes I think I’m too honest for my own good! Lol, I do keep trying to talk her into Photoshop CS3, but she is comfortable with Painter 8 and doesn’t like to change what works for her.

Anyway, I’ll definitely check out Silo, sounds more in my price range than some applications. I may skip the Blender - I’m only low level geek, haven’t made it to hard core. :wink:

Anyway, thanks again for being so helpful. Lol, can I adopt you? :smiley:



Thanks so much for sharing these tuts! You’re an awesome teacher!

I watched your Lesson 2 recap and in it you say that ZCurve & Maya box files were included. I can’t seem to find these files. It looks like the recap file download is the same as the original 3.0 Lesson 2 files (ie ImagePlaneXball tool).

The Zcurve file looks like a definite piece of gold since we can’t save out the curves without crashing 3.1! Could you please post a link to the file?

Thanks again for everything…MG

should be ok now;)

Superb tutorials…Thank you but site seems to be down now


I offered this in another thread but I’ll place it here also.
This is my smooth brush.
Goes in your brush preset directory under startup
there is also a curve, under brush smooth curve load and load the curve.

This is a very strong smooth!!!

wow busy little beavers we have been havent we
this is for 2 days
Hits 31285
Files 31262
KBytes 323155684

BTW this is only the free members stats not registered

Registered users :wink: your in good hands

I’m going to have to seperate some files lesson1-11 zbrush still free but the rest of my site needs signup.

I really dont wanna do this but my host is pipeing out some huge file downloads. I think peeps are freeking out and downloading everything at once thinking that they wont be able to afford the 3 dollars or somthing.

The membership only protects the service from leechers thats all.

Going to have to laydown a new ground rule but it will take me a couple days to zip up my entire server 1 I think thats my number one priority right now.
Just know that no matter what happens I promised you 1 month of the files listed on this thread and I am not the type to ever go back on that part;)

I need a secretary lol

You’ve gone really over the top in generosity Jason! :smiley: But of course, you have to protect your files and keep them online and available - won’t do any of us any good if the site blows up from overheating, lol! :wink:

Hey, Jason,

Thanks for all the hard work.

I made a simple helmet shape from 3 ZSpheres (using a Jason Belec technique) and made it into a polymesh and did a little basic pushing and pulling and put it away. This morning when I loaded the tool it appeared to have ‘creases’ all over it. I don’t know why. I never touched the crease button. When I open the geometry subpalette I notice the crease value is set to 15 and that neither the crease nor uncrease button has any effect, either in high-res or low-res (there are 3 subdivisions).

My first question is: how can I correct this? (I attached an image and the model file.) It is simple to redo but I sure would like to know what happened and if there is a fix.

My second question relates to Judee’s issue: when you say the educational versions of Maya are ‘non-commercial’, do you mean to say they are the same as the commercial version but we are trusted not to use them commercially? Or is there a watermark system in place that prints all renders with said watermark? I ask because I am enrolled in some adult classes and this interests me. However, I don’t want to wind up with portfolio images that have a watermark.

Also, for Judee: there is a wonderful and powerful little animation and modeling program called ‘Martin Hash’s Animation Master’ that I believe is $200 at Siggraph and $300 online. Used to be called ‘Playmation’ when it was briefly associated with the claymator Will Vinton. Available from Hash.com. I used this all through the nineties and had no problems moving models back and forth from ZBrush when I finally decided to pick up 2.0. It is a spline and ‘patch’ based system that allows .obj’s to be imported and exported. They also have a good forum community that will answer questions and direct you to pertinent posts. A fellow named ‘Vic Navone’ made a modeling and animation reel with this program and now animates for Pixar.

Instead of using 5-point spurs to change direction around facial features such as eyes and mouth, Animation Master uses 5-sided patches. In the ‘old days’ I would take the models into Maya to retopo the patches into spurs but that can be done in ZBrush now. Also don’t forget to check eBay for someone looking to offload outdated versions.




Very very genorous of you. Many Thanks. Just the one small critisism …

some of the videos aren’t indexed so you can’t scroll through them.

but the brief scan I’ve had , looking good. :smiley:

El-d, I found this out as well, and instead use cyberlink PowerDVD player
to view these…you could try another player instead of Media
Player and be able to scroll as well. :slight_smile:



(by the way, Jason, thanks for hosting and sharing these vids for the
community…got some good nuggets in there. :slight_smile: )

Thanks Jason for looking into the Lesson 2 files. Looks like I was too slow on the draw to download it before you shut down access to your server. Server maint doesn’t sound like much fun, hope you get back to Zbrushing doon!

Thanks so much for sharing your super smoothie brush! MG

i can’t watch the videos, it says server not found.