
Justi - Demo reel Characters

Justi… You Rocks Man… Very Inspiring work!! :slight_smile:

nice work man, great detail and accurate anatomy. Some texturing would be nice.

ese Justy en la portadica.


Amazing and inspiring works. Real nice job:+1:

well done on top row, I had just checked out your character reel yday and was blown away, still got the tab open on my browser, definitely well deserved.
If you get to reply, would like to knw how long you’ve been doing this for?

COngrats for the Top Row Budy, This is super cool :slight_smile: very strong Work. Clap Clap Clap

great stuff, very inspiring, great sculpts !

Wow…wow…these are amazing!

hoskins78, canndis Thanks…!!
sculptor.zb Thanks, I’m glad to hear that…!
koyima Thanks, you’re right…
doses22 Thanks my friend…!!
qoyun Thanks!!
jasoni Thanks, this are the characters done in the last two years, of course only the best…
shikhar sharma Thanks!!
gwainbarek Thanks!!
SolidSnakexxx Thanks!!

More zbrush shots… I hope you like it…









Wow! So cool! So detailed! How long are you familiar with Zbrush?

I like you Soldier, however i think he’s carrying the wrong weapon…

try modeling one of these… M1 Garand or one of these M14 or one of these Thompson maybe a BAR the AK just looks misplaced… :confused:

or since he’s wearing glasses maybe he’s a sniper… '03 Springfield…

Love these sculpts! 5-stars from me.

WoW - fantastic models, very well - and big Congratz on TR! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:


Great characters, my congratulations! Especially I like the Ogr’s face expression, it’s really believable.

Hi, amazing sculpts! I love the details. May I ask, did you start off with a basemesh created with 3ds max or with zspheres or sth? Cheers

Great sculpts and modeling reel. Thanks for including a high-rez version of your reel. Congrats on making the top row, too. :+1:


Great Reel! Really good anatomy and attention to detail.

A few minor comments. Look at more clothing reference. The wrinkles on the Soldier’s pants need to have harder breaks and angles, especially where they tuck into the boots.

The Pirate’s hand resting on the sword doesn’t look natural. Do the pose yourself and see how it feels. It looks awkward.

At 3 1/2 mins it runs a little too long. Get it under 2 1/2.
A good reel is like a good commercial you want them to feel like they want to see more when it’s over. They can always scroll back to see things again.

If you need to get rid of one to shorten the reel, I would lose the dragon headed creature. While the head and body look good the feet don’t hold up to the rest of your work and would be marked against you.

A really good portfolio, just wanted to give my two cents that will put you over the top!

Take care


beautiful work. really nice.

i love ur all works
is very professional
aw !! :+1: