
Jason Martin - 2011 Production work

jason my GOD…

Questions if you can

  1. you make the high poly models on zbrush and max or maya right?
  2. how you texture? In a high poly on zbrush ( for example, SOPTLIGHT)? or you retopoly the zbrush model on max/maya then unwrapit and you texture traditionaly? (example PHOTOSHOP)

My main cuestion maybe is…you have to retopoly your high models from zbrush always? Or in wich case?


beautiful work …fantastic

Impressive work!! Congrats!:+1:

Looks awesome Jason!

Great job between GOW3 and Mass Effect there’s no doubt Zbrush It’s the future on best game models!..:+1:

…so bad ! :wink:

Great job Jason, truly inspiring work.:+1:

Great stuff. One question, it appears you’ve modeled the arms in a down pose, is this correct? Are they being rigged with the arms in a down pose, rather than a T pose or partial T pose?

incredible workkk!! so so cool! i love the quality you have on every model.
Very consistent and precise. Very inspirational for me.

Thanks for sharing.

Great stuff! inspiring for sure!

Awesome works :+1:

No see, you don’t get to do that… You don’t casually get to say “Thought I would post up some images from over the last year or so. Cheers =)” and post images like this. You might as well walk in to a room, super casual, and just say “Thought I would pull some stuff out my pockets. Cheers =)” – and pull out a rainbow, a unicorn, and a leprechaun… :smiley:

Awesome images, congrats on a super well deserved top top row! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great models and awesome textures. Keep on the good work!

Awesome stuff! Great job!:+1:

Impressive work!! Congrats!:+1: How are models for cinematic you use normal map or bump or two? :slight_smile: You generate a bump or normal and usually use zbrush displaciment too or not? Thanks a lot man!

fantastic !!

I’ve got no words!!!

Awesome work, man! congrats!

However all of your characters forearms are 2 short,distance from elbow to wrist…….oops…

wow, really tight modelling, textures, and renders.
something to aspire to for sure!