
Intervain's Sketchbook

great work! inspiration!!

Alex Oliver

It is unfreaking believable how good that is. :+1:

Face looks fantastic, as are clothes, I have gotten that look before from people. :smiley: Although she needs a bit more of a sneer, she looks frigid as it is. And her chest thrust out with her head tilted back, chin jutting foward, looking down at the viewer. To hammer out her overconfidence. She kind of reminds me of Disney’s Cinderella’s evil step mother.

boom boommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
love the skin. beautiful sculpt magda.waiting for the final version…

Really attractive figure and very realistic clothing as well :wink:

Really Wonderful Magdalena! :+1: :smiley:

She’s looking great!

Alex - thank you so much!

Giantsun - thank you:o

womball - lol yeah she does look frigid heh?

samar vijay - thanks :smiley:

Aumakua - awww thanks! I’m glad it looks good at such an early stage :smiley:

piz - thanks :smiley:

KrakenCMT - thank you!

Intervain, your my hero. Time and time again you save us from the invasion of orcs one Victorian portrait at a time. Thank you!

jlizzle - thank you :smiley: I’m really glad you like it!

just a wee bit of madness today :lol: - definitely needs more tiny stretching creases on the displacement… :roll_eyes: Thanks!


Really beautiful work + very inspirational :+1: :+1:
Love the detailing on the fabric, can only imagine
what she’ll look in the end!

Super Glitcher - thank you :slight_smile:

John Strieder - thanks :smiley:

Excellnt work on the dress Magda…are you planning on exporting for full final render? If so maybe go for a nice shiney satin / silk effect on the embroidery. There’s certainly no mistaking your style. :slight_smile:


DarthWayne - thank you :slight_smile: Yes I am texturing outside of zbrush [obviously using zapplink and PM] - What you see is rendered in XSI - I do have to work on the proper spec for the dress still and want the stitching to be more shiny indeed:D

very strong style in your artwork. Keep it up.

phillycm - thank you :slight_smile:

a little more - working both on texturing and modeling…


Hi Magda, really like that one. The Modeling is top notch and the texturing is coming along pretty good so far. Looking forward to see the next updates :wink:

very pretty sculpt. I like cloth look so nice.

she looks so pretty. such an innocent face.:o
i really like the colour choice for the cloth. suits perfect of her.
which program r u using for rendering?

great work…cant wait to see her finished on the top row.:+1:

great work ! just the color is a little dark (for me)…