
Full anatomy model free download

The version I uploaded is a compiled Ztool. The original file is something like 100 individual obj files. Just sayin’.:wink:

Thanks for the organised ZB tool - it’s handy to have them in one file.

I hadn’t seen this thread from before but had downloaded these files a long time ago and organised all the obj files into logical groups. I also renamed quite a few of them but as this was more for art purposes rather than medical, I didn’t bother with the deep muscles.

Anyway, people might find this info useful if they haven’t done this themselves, so I’ve attached a txt file of my file listing. I’ve retained the original file names as prefixes for easy identification and L and R are for left and right.

Body Parts 3D file listing.txt (42.7 KB)Body Parts 3D file listing.txt (42.7 KB)

Thank you very much, carver! You so kind!

And your, Bonecradle, structured file is very useful!

Cheer, teeg000, I will probably use some of deep muscles too.

My idea is very simple: I’ll try to use my own “layered muscles” asset in Houdini, quite similar to Weta, but much more controlled and simplified.

As soon as this start work, I’ll show result!

Thank you, my friends, for a great sources!

Very kind of you to take the time to reupload, Carver. Thank you!

Hey Carver

Any chance this could be uploaded somewhere? It seems a pity that a resource like this can’t find a permanent home.


  • Steve

Hi There, the prepped Z-Brush model download link has expired so download via the original website but the facial muscles seem to be missing.

I just wondered if anyone could share the Z-Brush version? I’m really interested in using this as part of a face reveal showing muscles.

Could anyone help? Would be greatly appreciated!



I need to renew the link to the Zbrush version. Gimme a few days, as I am buried. I will do it asap.

Let me know when the link’s ready.

Much Appreciated.


I would greatly appreciate if the link was active in the next couple days. I can really use this model.


I just created a new download link - http://we.tl/8QxgG4X57B It should be good for a month or so.

Thank you very much

Hey Carver,

unfortunately it seems I’m just a few days too late. If you have the time, would you please upload it again?

Is there any way to export the model with the groups to 3ds MAX?


Something odd is afoot. The entire contents of my Dropbox was deleted! Everything. Nothing of great importance but still. Anyway…

Here is a fresh link - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23590816/BodyParts3D_3.5R3_andAbove_Carver_Version.rar

As to 3D Max, just be aware that the total polycount of all subtools is north of 11 million points, and that the meshes are decimated. I did try to logically consolidate the appropriate muscle groups into subtools. There are quite a few. This is still the most in depth anatomy model I have ever seen.



oops, I should have addressed my response to E1even. Sometimes I have a noodle brain.

Carver that link is gone again. people must be drag dropping instead of copy pasting… the silly thing with drop box. I’m just looking for the forarms tbh… anyone got the model broken down?

I am also looking for your amazing resizing carver. Second dropbox link is down. Perhaps a torrent would be more appropriate for a permanent home?

As a total newbee to this forum I’m almost afraid to ask,
but is it possible to up a new link for the linked .ztl file Carver created.
It would be awsome and make me extremely happy !

Thank you in advance

Hello all,

I am currently refreshing the file in my dropbox. I had to remove it for a while because of space limits, as I was working on a project that filled my account. Now it is over and putting the file back. I am working on a permanent home. The link should be up shortly.


Can’t download it at any links…hope Carver saves us all :+1:

Ahoy, Maties…

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23590816/BodyParts_3D_Groups_Carver_ZB3.5R_andAbove.ZTL.zip. This should be good for quite a while now. Please, no shoving.:sunglasses: