
Full anatomy model free download

It works! Amazing… thanks you Carver!

Carver for president !
Thank you so very much, it’s really appreciated !


Thx a lot !!!

Thank you Carver! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Very much appreciated!

Thank you Carver!

You are all most welcome. Gotta keep that “Free to all on the forum, just because” vibe going. I love this community, and it starts at Pixologic. I mean just look at all of the amazing free info and tutorials that come from on high. Joseph Drust? Are you kidding me? The helmet series alone is worth the price of admission. Oh wait…That’s right, it is ALL free. Pay it forward when you can, fellas.


I have seen the images and the links on a thread from 2012, but the links don’t work any more.

ftp://ftp.dbcls.jp/archive/bodyparts…3.0_obj_95.zip ?!!

and another

If anybody knows about the proper adress I would be very grateful to have it.

Especially the groupfile listed in the thread gallery is interesting on this adress which is also blind.


Thanks in advance.


Impressive work, thanks for sharing. I really liked your take on the erector spinae muscle group.

“Impressive work, thanks for sharing. I really liked your take on the erector spinae muscle group.”
Alexander Kafoussias

Woah,whoa,whoa…First off, I never said that I sculpted this, because I didn’t! Nerveink didn’t either. This model consists of medical scan data, Credit goes to Database Center for Life Science Research Organization of Information and Systems
for putting this model together.

The original model download was several hundred individual .obj models. All I did was take a day out of my life to compile it into a cohesive Ztool.

Just thought I should clear that up.


Oh yeah…new link - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5r18sz5a27e4iw7/AAC73JcbuItcSl-nRc1kGdoJa

Hi Carver.
Thanks a lot for your fast reply. I have already downloaded a copy from your site and very excited to get started to work with it.

Thanks to the research institute and to you Carver!
When downloading some of the .obj files I kound that they weren’t all nicely closed…
I’m trying to fix some stuff in blender… but it’s a tedious job.
Your Ztools… are they nicely closed meshes?
If not How t oclose/ fix them in Zbrush/ other software (Meshlab?)

Kind regards,


Yes, not all of the meshes are water tight. The easiest way to close the holes is in Zbrush. Go to Geometry/Modify Topology/Close holes. Sometimes this can give you a really bad result, depending on the size and complexity of the hole, although I don’t recall that any of the meshes in this model did. Most of the holes I remember were small.

So you did close the meshes in the Ztool?
If so, great!

wow. thanks for this! i’m squealing with joy!!! well, deep inside.

Please provide the file if any one has this one

Sorry mate, I accidentally deleted from my Dropbox. It’s really late here in California, so I will get it back up in the morning.

very cool!~

I like your Anatomy~come on go on!~