

that`s Impressive! Beautiful and stunning!
Love it

Really great work! Love the composition and energy of the shot. Would love to know how you did that skirt

this is so beautiful, detailing is incredible… lighting and texturing is right on point… wow!

Mad Skills. Really great work, I’m lost for words!



crazy awesome !!

This is awsome!..

My god amazing work and take time?

Brilliant work! So full of dynamics! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

simply epic!

beautiful and insane work man. Congrats

stunning work ! :+1:

Wow this is crazy. Jawdropping :__O

This is not just a top row piece. This should be displayed in an art gallery.

This is true art… not only in terms of execution and presentation… but just the technical skill that went behind such a vivid, vibrant, living piece of work like this.

This is like one of Rembrandt’s paintings. Where everything just feels like it’s alive and there’s so many intricate details to look at. This is a true masterpiece.

I wish 3D artists would get more recognition because a piece like this doesn’t just deserve to be stuffed away in someone’s portfolio.

I couldn’t do justice to this by praising it with mere words. It is beautiful to say the least.

How do you go about creating such cloth? How long did it take? are just some questions out the bazillions that come to mind.

Please keep making more. :slight_smile:

That is amazing!! I don’t even know where to begin. The composition looks awesome, everything’s so full of detail en emotion (and motion!) And those folds! How did you do them? I mean, it’s unbeliably good!

This is brillant, very impressive art!

Amazing work

I’m new here and saw your art at the top. Its incredible work. i am a blender user and really make me want to learn sculpting with zbrush more.
My first post here for you. Respect.

mind blowing work… really awesome… details… WOW…!!!

it would be great and helpful if ull put the wireframe and workflow… seriously awesome…