
FiberMesh™ Preview

Yeah, I think a 1 month release delay was worth waiting for something amazing like this! :wink: Killer job, guys!

Wow! This is cool!

Ofer i said it in your last post ZB needs hair and hair it is - i except late xmas gifts !!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

wow thats amazing!!! :smiley:

I think it’s time to invest in a tissue company (as I wipe away another tear of joy). Great, amazing work.

wohooooo…m litrly Crying…HATS OFF to u guys…u Guyz R INSANE…:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Any chance we can get pixologic to take over all software companies so we can get killer stuff from everywhere?:stuck_out_tongue:
Sweeeeeeeeet, the tree thing at the end was like being exposed to all the madness HP Lovecraft could muster.


Man, you guys are effing awesome !! Looks amazing !


Surprised like always!

This looks amazing. Having just wrapped up a project using maya fur and some Shave and Haircut (I should mention I was a very very small part of the fur side of things), this just makes me incredibly excited at the potential future of fur pipelines, and incredibly bummed at the fact that this will most likely be something that works and looks beautiful in zbrush, but can’t be fit into a production pipeline. This is no fault of pixo’s of course, I just wish there were some way to incorporate things like this, and zbrush’s matcap system into Maya or 3Dmax. Go-Z is great for dealing with geometry, but what I wouldn’t give for the ability to output zbrush materials to Maya or Max, or another 3D app. I know zbrush is built in a very fundamentally different way, but that’s my wish for the new year! :). Great work guys, you are really setting the bar in so many ways. If nothing else, this should force some of the major 3D apps to have to really develop easy to use fur systems.

This is awesome!!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Simply Amazing!
Thank you Pixologic!

This is Mudbox Killer!:laughing:
Excellent Pixologic!:+1:


fibermesh+64bit= BAUSS

wow. that’s it. wow.


In the middle of a project, working on three baldy guys. It’s true.
Oh my… :lol: