
FiberMesh™ Preview

Congratulations to all PIXOLOGIC TEAM with the style for to make a better World.

Are you ready? :+1: Happy new year from Catalonia !

YES!!! And to think I was just getting ready to spend $600 for a hair program… What a way to start 2012!
Happy New Year Pixologic!

If you were gonna use that $600 program for just illustration then lucky pixo will help you out there. It will be interesting to see how people get this into app xyz. If its all a mesh item then i think some trickery can be done to convert them into guide curves.

But if it doesnt work… oh well, its has amazing results already. Zbrush is the new paint brush of the 21st Century :slight_smile:

Dude! Ofer!! This is… this is wonderful!! THANK YOU!! It looks great! Such a useful tool! I can’t wait to get my hands on it! :smiley: I was bugging Ryan Kingslien about this for a while, asking him if “they” i.e. Pixologic/you had any plans to make a more useful tool for Hair/Fur and now, BAM here it is! Awesome.

The only thing more I can personally hope for is a faster retopo-ing tool, akin to 3D Coat’s type of “auto-retopo”. To be able to just draw-on retopo… essentially a “Retopo brush” would be the crowning jewel. :wink: But of course, I’m sure you’ve seen, heard and read this so many times it probably angers you. So I’ll stop and just say again, THANK YOU!!! You have brought such joy and empowerment to us, the artists who can sculpt in reality but never could digitally nor wanted to touch Maya/XSI/3DS MAX etc due to their unintuitive UI. ZBrush is a masterful creation and one I, as an artist and aspiring storyteller DEEPLY LOVE and can’t imagine living without now. Thank you!! A million times over, Thank you!!! :smiley:

…*draw-on-retopo! just think about it, please! LOL ok! shutting up! :stuck_out_tongue:

goodness guys. if these are the features of 4r2b then i can only image what awesomeness is in store for zbrush 5.

thanks for being awesome pixologic

January 23th? ok, now i just need to build a time machine, i cant wait! thanks guys for this incredible features, did you implement some kind of hair-guides exportation or transformation? i understood that if i export these Polymesh Hair to another programs like Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage, C4D,… i think that it would be a lot of a lot of polygons and wouldnt be animatable

.........................................................+1 auto-retopo feature!

Just from watching and rewatching the video, I would think you can easily “lock the length” at different areas simply by masking/polygrouping the areas of hair/fur you’d like to keep at a certain length… yes/no? :wink:

Wow! I simply cant tell you how much hair was needed in a application that is mainly used for character work. Along with the great new rendering enhancements it seems we hardly need to even export to another app unless for production work.

I can see the way things are going it will be contending with the bigger apps in the future. Rigging, physics, more advanced retopo, and Uv tools, all seems very posible by the way you guys keep pushing the scope of what Zbrush was, and has now become.

One request I would like to make, a bug fix list prior release. We all apreciate your invovative new features, and to top this off a list would put everyone at ease to what has, and hasnt been fixed.

WOW, gonna buy me a bucket filled with shampoo!

Every time I watch a Zbrush preview my heart rate increases! :smiley:
Cant wait for this one! Hair has always been a weakspot for me, largely due to lack of intuitive technology to create it.

Finally we have hair in zbrush. Thanks Pixologic

Wooohoo - finally the end of countless bald heads…

i finally don’t have to be jealous anymore to anyone who can affort Maya and other software that has hair-plugins

Very cool :+1:

This is going to be awesome … !!! i bet there will be plenty of furry creatures, and plants now in ZBC… the age of reptiles is over…

ehmm… the last part is just a zoom in or is there a real camera movement insise the forest?

OH MY GOD !!! impressive ! can`t wait !

That’s the existing timeline animation tools in action.

:+1: EXCELLENT :+1: Looking forward to next release and fibermesh!

SOmething I do not say often… I am blown away, my heart is racing.

Just in time for something I am working on.

I can’t wait to see more features… Freakin Amazing.

I’m disappointed.:cry:

Thank you Pixologic, you are the best, amazing tools and free updates!
Autodesk should learn A LOT from you guys! :lol: