
Eric JV Sketchbook

Interesting sculpts!
But as most zbrushers, you did the same mistake.
Anatomy is good for details only, never a guide to sculpt “in stone”. Simple clean faces is the key, like abstract art I could say.
Here is a common wrong image that most people here has about this area due to unclear anatomic maps. This maps don’t suppose to show us how things look, rather they try to give some names.
I really like your efforts here, just spontaneously speaking.


Picture 1.jpg

tobbeo - Thanks Sir, It is already changed lol, my wife is going to kill me because she has been wanting me to change it for a while now lol.

michalis - Thank you much, “hey we can’t learn if don’t make mistakes right, so the sooner you make those mistakes the faster you are going to learn” At least that’s what I believe.

This was more of a personal study to once again take a look at the muscles and how they flow, and I felt like sharing it with this fantastic community, lol I am well aware that people don’t look like this in real life lol.

The displacement map was also giving me some problems but hey no biggie next time it might be better, I thank you endlessly for taking the time and pointing that. Hey your Art is truly Phenomenal, keep it up.

Thanks a lot guys this really helps me a lot.

Since this is for a still image, I wonder why you’re messing with displacement and normal maps and exporting to another application for the render. ZBrush 4 introduces a new renderer called the Best Preview Render (BPR) which even at the default settings produces awesome results. It’s also capable of exporting multiple passes so that you can easily composite and do other post-work in Photoshop or another image editor.

Check the New Features PDF in the ZBrush 4\Documentation folder for more info on BPR. There are also some great tips in the ZBrush 4 Beta Testers Gallery: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/forumdisplay.php?f=112

aurick - Hey, I guess I just overlooked it, and at the time I found it easier to just use Uv master, export the disp map and rendered in max. I Felt had a little bit more control with the lights there. Hey, thanks for bringing this up, I will surely mess with the great BPR for future projects before thinking about bringing it to a different package. I really like the Idea of being able to control the multiple passes :wink: . I’ll look through beta testers threads again I’m sure there is a ton of information there. Thank you very much.

Cool thread! Congrats

www.leotaksakamoto.blogspot.com :smiley:

aurick, I am an avid user of the Zbrsuh renderer and use it 90 % of the time. however there are 3 key features missing which do sometimes force me to render outside of Zbrush( 3dsmax in my case) which are precise camera control in conjunction with a proper perspective and precise light placement. it’s all good as long as you work with one object/model. the problem starts when you want to render a character in a room for example. so - you first have this character and you can zoom in and still have a wide camera angle and place the lights around him etc… , but as soon as you ad a box of average room size around your character, the camera angle “confirms” to the room-box and the character becomes a small detail of that. let’s say you want to zoom oin only on his head now, you’ll have a very low almost orthographic angle on that head. plus, you can’t place a light inside of the box. lights will always be outside around the largest object in your sceen. unless I missed something there is no way to place lights in a relation to depth and distance. I can have light outside of the room shining through the window, but I can’t place a light inside the room like as an additional lighthouse like a table lamp or a light bulb on the ceiling.

I’d love to be able to do that because I really like the somewhat special look of the Zbrush renderer and the speed it offers.
If you know of anything I might have missed here, please do let me know.

Hey everyone,

So here I took the head of the Indian face I previously made and textured it using the amazing tools of zbrush and then took it to max and messed around with vray and retouching the textures in photoshop, after a couple of tries and very helpful suggestions I was able to create this decent piece. Nothing fancy just a diffuse, a quick spec, and a displacement map. It is not a done piece for I have plenty to keep researching and learning. I still wanted to share this image with this community who been watching my growth as a Digital artist throughout the years.




Great work, simply amazing…


well done dude , love ur last post. nice art work:small_orange_diamond:

hey everyone I took a quick little break from the other stuff i’m doing and took that chance to gather some of the TOO MANY render tests i take as i work, and put into one image. I hope you like it, and have a great weekend everybody.

Awesome! Good job.

Wow, amazing job, very realistic! :+1:

Really like this. Great character and the armour paint details are superb. Like the flaky effects and dents. :+1:

Amazing stuff! He has a real sense of character! I love waking up to great art!

Excellent!!! Impressive renders.
A top row stuff of course. :+1:

Hey everyone,

zber2 - Thanks
Santis - Thank you very much.
INFINITE - Thanks a lot sir, it is truly an honor I love your stuff.
Poop Shooter - Thank you sir. I am big fan of your art.
Michalis - Thanks a lot man.

Thanks everybody you are all too kind.

good stuff. I have a lot to learn about rendering. my stuff always looks like crap in the render views.

WOW…excellent thread,will keep an eye on this now.:+1:

My Sketchbook

crawdizzle -Thanks, hey i’m new to rendering as well man, just don’t stop until it looks good.
RJ the eccentric - Man your stuff rocks. I too will follow your thread.

Well, hey everyone so I was able to put this guy together this week and I hope you everyone likes it. I learned a lot a hopefully I’ll be able to use the knowledge to future pieces. Once again thanks and have a nice day guys and gals.

rendered in max.

the magic of zpheres.

the magic of GoZ to max and my talent of topology flow :lol:

brainstorming simple ideas in Photoshop.





