
Eric JV Sketchbook

Concept from Massive Black Inc

DEEPSLV_Deadbaron_Final copy.jpg</td><td align=“right”> <input name=“Place image” value=“Place this image in your post” onclick=“zb_insimg(‘193891’,‘Biker_EJV_Zbrush.jpg’,1,0); window.close()” type=“button”> </td></tr></tbody></table>






Oops - Deja Vu. Seeing this concept here slightly confused me. I have looked at this almost every day for the last few years.
It was for one of the games under development at Deep Silver Vienna where I worked as the Art Director be´fore it got shut down.
Not sure if we’ll ever see that game come out.
I have even had my own hands on this concept, scribbling around on the iterations from Massive Black.All the reviews were done via a Message Board, just like here :slight_smile:
I have to say though, working with Massive Black was really a fun and they did a great job on the character concepts for the game.

Now I feel like in Groundhog Day :wink:

Julian_K - Wow that’s awesome, I didn’t know anything about this image, but hey you’re a lucky man. This really is a great concept. Thanks for that Info Julian…

hey everyone well here I am posting some tests and studies I did in the past week in a half almost two weeks. Just learning and seeing how can improve on my future characters, well you guys know all that good stuff.

This was done in 3ds max using mental ray in about 2 and half hours,that is the basic texturing, lighting and rendering. I needed to get the renders done fast because I was going to print them. This is the head I did based on one of sims sketches.










It had been sometime since I posted something here but I felt it was about time to do so lol. So I took the head of the recent bust I just did inspired by that great concept art and went a little further with it. I put it in max, created some maps, I used vrayfastsss2 which I’m still researching and trying to understand more. The head has turbo smooth on and no displacement maps. I want it something on the creepy side and hopefully I succeed it. Well I hope everyone likes it. Thank you.






the face is absolutly creepy! I like it alot :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: but the scatter effect is missing…too low

love that face and character bust.

pitchepuck- yeah man I used the vrayfastsss2 and im fairly new to it and the render engine as well, so yeah the scatter and the spec was where I had the little issues with, But hopefully on future works ill get it working Correctly…

Julian k - Thanks, glad you liked it. I love your paintings man.

Really like your sculpting style…very cool!

Hey everyone This is a new render and I think its looking much better I finally managed to get a bit more spec to the skin and it really made the difference. Thanks…

<table class=“fieldset” border=“0” cellpadding=“0” cellspacing=“1” width=“100%”><tbody><tr><td>final_2_zbrush.jpg</td><td align=“right”> <input name=“Place image” value=“Place this image in your post” onclick=“zb_insimg(‘205790’,‘final_2_zbrush.jpg’,1,0); window.close()” type=“button”> </td></tr></tbody></table>

Nattawat OBBI - Thanks man, I freaking love your sea dragon, really cool.

Nice sculpt - by the way the artist who did the concept is Wayne Reynolds 0 does a lot of stuff for wizards of the coast, check him out very cool

Margarine - Hey Thank you Glad you like the sculpt. Wayne Reynolds is pretty awesome, Another artist was able to find who had done the concept and he let me know a couple of weeks ago, I’m looking at his stuff right now again thanks to you…

Hello everyone I’ve not posted here in some time and just wanted share a couple of images that I’ve been working on.

This is the face of a future low-res character I’m working on and I wanted to do a quick test in vray and some displacements maps. I got some pretty good Advices on this one and I will sure as hell work on those sections as I go.


Thanks everyone and I’ll keep posting as I go, I love how I can go back to my 2008s postings and I can see my improvements in my recent art, and how much I still have to learn. Man learning all this stuff by yourself is tough, Thanks god for tutorials lol.









all of this stuff is awesome. I love this thread :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Ahaaah … so you don’t know how to sculpt feet? :wink: :laughing:

Just awesome work! 5 stars :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Edit : that indian head is amazing!

This is a great thread. I really like the expression you are able to get on your character’s faces. Also, the shoes on the male anatomy study made my day! Keep it up!

All of your works are stunning! thanks a lot for sharing these.

LeoAMD - Thank you very much, I’m glad you like it.

asecbrush - hahahha OH c’mon, I just used an older ztool and I didn’t realize it didn’t have feet until I was in the zone, so I took some older shoes and gave it to him. Thanks for your words and time man.

Crotalis - Hey thanks a lot, I tried to make the faces as interesting as I can in the most settle poses, which is kind of tricky. LOL the shoes are getting a lot of attention lolol, I’m glad the brought a smile to your face.

SuperHer0 - you are very welcome, as an artist I really do get a kick, out of others reactions even if its bad or good either way it just makes me want to improve even more. Thank you, you are very kind.

Thanks a lot everyone.

Great work! I went to your website, you’re definitely a very talented sculptor. One tiny, maybe insignificant, criticism is I wouldn’t use the captain character in your website banner. It’s not your best work and it’s the first thing you see when you go to your website. Just my 2 cents!

I particularly like the creepy character with black lips but your other sculpts are great too.