
Corpus works

really niceimprovement on the MDL and render!

Kind of all over the place… mainly lighting and materials. Getting back into the sculpting side of things.


Looking great man!
Love the horns.

an anatomy study that changed into a quick concept sketch.

ZBrush Document.jpg

great models.

they feel almost real and appeal to creepy Japanese side of my subconscious

Very very Cool work here!!!

thanks dudes.

further progress with the concept. decided to do some sort of bio mech.

I love i the matcap really shows your characters details may I ask you where you got it or did you do it yourself?

Here is the matcap:


I just changed the default hue and saturation in the material settings. I also tinted the occlusion pass blue in one of the images.

Thanks a lot
keep up the great work

blocked in the legs, and refined the torso.

Sick designs man. Love the silhouette of that last thing.

The finished model ‘Ridin’ Dirty’. The decimation caused some softening, so I posted some zbrush images as well.

Tiny Dancer wip. Still needs a smaller set of mandibles, and the little bug creatures to fill the ‘nest’.


Really interesting design, love the honey-comb inners, maybe he’s a part time bee-hive xD :]

thanks Bangers!

like the idea.very cooool.:+1:small_orange_diamond:D

Thanks dude! took a break from sculpting to do a light setup. I’ll break up the sym detail after posing.