
Bryan Silva | doodles

willbrown1 - Maybe I will end up making him Machete!

alexleia - Thank you, Im glad you like him. Im just trying to keep up with you!




great work

just another question,
did you use some particular light (or other parameters) with the orange material ?


Looking wicked! Are you going to finalize using the El Mariachi reference?

Very good likenes!! Good job!:smiley:

Good Likeness, funny I was just watching Desperado the other day. Danny Trejo always plays badass characters.

memling they only parametry needed to be changed to achieve the orange matcap from the Shiny Paint matcap is to choose an orange color as your current color.

Firerbert the more people talk about that character and the one from the Grindhouse trailer “Machete” (both characters look very similar with the throwing knives and machetes on his torso) the more the idea grows on my. I think I will go ahead and make this a full character instead of just a bust.

Skelton2000 Thanks you! Im glad you like the it.

Black Crane I gotta pick that movie up on DVD. Its a great movie and I dont yet have it. He does always play badass roles!

Heres another update on the Danny Trejo lkeness. Fattened up the cheeks . They were getting too concave. Tough thing to do nailing a likeness. Gotta get some hair going on in there to help visualize it better.




From the thumbnail I thought this last one was Charles Bronson! :lol:

Nice stuff!

Your the second person today to say that. I definitely have more tweaking to do! :stuck_out_tongue:

AMAZING work on that spider. I absolutely love it.

Ok I think I got the Bronson out and he’s looking more like Trejo. What do you guys think?




Very cool job man.

So what’s he mad at?

Looks great. Can easily tell who it is… Charles Bronson, right?:lol: Just kidding.

Good job. i assume the hair is a subtool.

The one recognisable feature of Trejo is his bad skin. The fine detailing will really finish this model nicely.

Machete! you nailed him! But where is all that marvelous acne scarring.
Go man! Go! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I totally knew who it was even from the thumbnail. You got it down.

yup, i could tell who it was from the thumbnail too. awesome job :slight_smile:


-WOODY- He’s mad I had him looking all Charles Bronson. :slight_smile:

Elixir yes the hair are subtools. I just painted a mask of a strip of hair down his cheek and neck, extracted it and painted lines down it. All his hair at this point I consider placeholder. I needed it to help make decisions about his face structure. I plan to try a few different techniques and a few different passes.

willbrown1 I cant wait to get to the acne craters! Just want to make sure I get the likeness down before I do.

Slosh, deep_set & vlad74 I am so happy you recognized him. Lets me know Im finally getting close.

Wow, a homage to one of the greatest B-actors :smiley: Looking better and better. Great features, can’t wait to see the rest!


great likeness!!!

Alex Oliver