

Congratz. I’m in love with the face of Neytiri. :]
Could you post more screens ? Maybe the body in its entirety ?

always great to see your work, awesome as always.

Scott, these studies are awesome! Going to see it tonight. Can’t wait :slight_smile: From Arjen I heard he was working through christmas this year. Hope you guys manage to get a little bit of a break to rest on your laurels, which would well deserved. Happy holidays to you and the gang over at Legacy!

Cool deal, hope all of your work translates well:+1:

…for a green guy in 3D! :smiley: :sunglasses:

Great work! I saw the movie opening night and it was amazing. Really creative movie on the 3d end.

fantastic work!
i hope some of the workk you did makes it onto the dvd/bluray releases as it looks fantastic.

saw the film yesterday…amazing! :+1:

this is really amazing!! execelent likeness and transpose the human to Avatars

Thanks for sharing this with us Scott, you are one of the living masters!

3 Years ago man, just wow! Awesome stuff all the way!
I saw the movie a few days ago and must say its mind blowing, you should be really proud.

Avatar is now one of the main reasons why im proud to work with cg and why i love it so much.


When does your “how to” make bad @$$ monsters dvd come out?

Skullbeast: when I can Show the John Carter stuff that you ,me and Trevor did can be shown!!!
Or maybe Voodoo? what do you think??

Amazing job! I was very immersed in Pandora and related to the characters right away… such an insprining movie. Cant wait to get my hands on the art book… :sunglasses:


Patton :

4 things .

  1. Avatar was waaaaaaaaaaaaay too short :slight_smile: we should have had an intermission at the 2hr mark (the human body can only hold soda so long :grimacing: ) and then the rest of the film should have been another hour
    *to make up for the hype *

  2. the sheer intricacies of the na’vi people , cultural ideas , outfits and backstory made me go WTF , this 5H!7 is amazing .

  3. you have to post up the “last shadow” creature
    cus a face-cap just wont cut it . that 50n07ab!17cH as well as the jungle Panther we saw at the begining cant say anything else bout the panther-beast because i hope there are at least 2 hrs worth of deleted scenes / outtakes in storage :smiley: .

  4. very amazing job on the design and followthrough of the detail . we need more people like you in the feild :slight_smile: .

Ps. define SLOW laptop :stuck_out_tongue:
233 MhZ ?, windows ME ?? or Windows GARBAGE )vista( ??

warmest regards and best wishes ,

beautiful worx mate!

freaking and insanely awsome…:lol:

The movie was incredible. Surreal. It truly makes me excited for the future of 3d. Now I just hope that ZBrush 4 is compatible with the glasses. :sunglasses:

Now I cant wait to see the movie! Ill have to wait until tomorrow. :rage:
The pictures are so breathtaking! You did all that with Zbrush 2? WOW!
Fantastic work! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
And it`s so cool to see that Zbrush was involved.

Thanks a lot for those answers. Very insightful.

Again, this is great work.:+1:


awesome character designs! I’ll be seeing this next week, can’t wait! Hopefully there’d be a “making of article” in cgtalk.

Really great works from you did Patton :+1:

And the work of all other artists too :wink: You can all be proud of that :slight_smile:

Congrats :sunglasses: