

Really great Modelling. I pretty sure you havent but dont give up on the “real” clay though!! Theres something about that that cg cant touch(at least not yet!). J

ARe you using displacement and normal maps? Or the original mesh? As for hair, you might want to try the card method for the bulk of it. For some edge hairs you will need a few strands of hair. But I would not try to a lot of strands. This will kill your renders and disable you from rendering at higher resolutions. However if you can put the hairs on a single pass you could get a larger render. You would have to render the pass by itself though. But that would require less memory.

Rick, Have you thought of using Taron’s plugin for this. You could do one render pass of just normals and depth and color. Then Light it all up in AFX and it would actually cast shadows for those hairs you have in pretty much realtime.


That is one inspiring ape sculpt. I learn more about wrinkles from one of your sculpts than from 10 other models…:smiley: It’s just so cool to see you bring your traditional sculpting skills to Z-Brush. I’m constantly amazed how well they translate from analogue to digital.

I got inspired from your first image of the ape’s skull so I applied it to my latest work. I’ll post later.

Thank you for sharing your work on these forums. You are such a valued member here…:smiley:



This render is much better. That together with the texture map, is making him very life-like. Very nice coloring on the map by the way.
I think I can even see some discoloration in his teeth which is a nice touch.
Can’t wait to see some expressions.
This is a fun thread to follow. :+1:


Once again floored by your work! A DVD? I’m all over that one! :slight_smile:

Hi again, I did a few morph maps in Modo using my base mesh and applied the displacement and color maps from ZB.I need to do a separate bump map, I think, to get the sharpness of the detail. Managed to get a bigger render this time. I’m looking forward to continuing with this guy but, I got a quick design job yesterday and have to work on that now.
Stumpf, this is kind of like the Apes white gorilla painting you liked .Hope you like this I was thinking of you when I did it. I guess that sounds like an insult, I didn’t mean it to, I should have said I did it in your honor.
50’s kid, I’m glad that you like looking at this stuff ,us 50’s kids have to stick together.In fact it will be my birthday this week and I’m going to be really old. So I’m glad that there is another older person out there. I don’t think I will ever give up clay for my real work but I must say I am really liking doing it digitally
Well I guess I had better go to work screamingapew-hair.jpg

Looking really good Rick! :+1:


Ouch! Looks like he’s the recipient of some low down electro-shock therapy! Never did understand why that had the word ‘therapy’ attached to it!!! :wink:

Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MM! Keep 'em coming. 50.

Great gorilla! Bet that would scare them at the drive in. :+1:

Really old? Nah, 50’s kids are the best. Happy Birthday for Friday, Rick! From another 50’s kid:

Happy Birthday MM. I came in towards the end of the 50s myself and yes am poised on the brink. You arent getting older just more experienced lol. I have seen you do some outstanding work in 3d but this particular piece may be my favorite. :+1: Heck I think you should get some of the talents laying around Zbrush and do a 3d movie just for the helluva it.

Hi mm,

great pose, like it. The honor is also on my side.
Nice birthday for you.
I second Marcus, 50’s kids are the best.


Ralf Stumpf

Yeah I forgot - Birthday wishes - time to start counting backwards and you’ll feel great man! :wink:

Happy Birthday!!!
Fun doesn’t really start until 60, you are still in puberty.:smiley:

Amazingly done, that last image above looks phenomenal. Was it a render in Zbrush? or… and what was your method for the hair as well?

…you have one year more than the previous and one year less than the next :smiley:
So cool happy birthday for you and your little gorilla :wink:
Nicy fur :sunglasses:

Cool guy !!!

Hey man !
happy birthday :smiley: ! and great ape !

Man the face is looking awesome now. :wink: