
David Schultz - Thread of Hilarity and Doom

Thanks, Ray! I’m sure it is amazing. I appreciate the offer. I’ve got tons of photos from when I was working on this. Thanks though.

I tried to replace the old version of this image, but I’m not sure how. Anyway, I’ve been playing around tonight with the Mental Ray sun system trying to figure out how to get different results than what I have done in the past. I used this old sculpt as a test.




How on earth did I miss this awesome thread? Great stuff! I can’t wait to see more :slight_smile:

Thanks for the share! Very nice to have for reference too :slight_smile: Whats the working polycount for most of your pieces? Esp the tall narrow structure.

Thank you chrono1081! There is so much amazing work on this thread it can be easy to miss some of it.

Ootrick: Thanks! I don’t have the file in front of me, but that was a very high poly file with all of those little scrolled elements.

beautiful, very good job
Here there are many hours
but the result is spectacular
I would like to see the whole cathedral.:+1:

PFC666: Hah, thanks! I would love to make the whole cathedral, but I couldn’t do it the way I made this piece. My computer would explode.

I’ve been having fun with this piece. I made it as part of the Darksiders Art Jam over at Polycount. It’s just a render from Zbrush of a sculpt with polypaint. I had to make some minor touches to a couple of the highlights, because I couldn’t get them quite right in Zbrush.

The concept I based this on is here: http://www.autodestruct.com/images/ds_hellgrowth5.jpg




Wow, amazing stuff.

Thank you very much!

Really cool. I like the subtle PP you added to it.

If you got two of these printed they would make some wicked book ends.

Yo. Thanks, Nick! Bookends, huh? That would be pretty amazing.

On a side note, I’m attempting to rework the spines a bit. I think they came out a bit too sloppy. I’ll post an update if the new process gets me something better.

Here’s my redesign of this side generator pump piece I showed awhile back. It’s part of a larger piece, so most of the lower left section will not be visible. This is mostly from Modo with some boolean and welding scuzz in Zbrush.


i like the enginering you use, looks like a masterpiece of machine, is full detailed, wires, valves, nuts and bolts, good job

NspireFX: Thanks a lot, man. I really appreciate it.

great job, as always with these interesting details are wonderful, do not let surprising, congratulations:+1:

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it. I really like your work as well!

I changed out the HDR to add more contrast, and I fixed a few things that I missed.


Outstanding work!

Thank you very much, tonare!