
Zuzu or Pix..can we have a gallery here????

Is it possible to start a gallery at ZBC. ie ZBFORUM, FAQ FORUM, COMMUNITY FORUM AND GALLERY. I know members are encouraged to post images but could they not be moved into a member specific gallery. I like to go back and look at different pieces of work to see how people did a particular thing ie. THe Saint. If there was a saint gallery here I could switch into it with ease and see a list of images (maybe with thumbnails a la renderosity). I know we have the www.pixologic.com gallery but I would like to see something here and readily accessible.
As the stuff is already on your servers I don`t see space being an issue and I couold only serve to encourage us all to better things. Imaging having access to all the works of The Saint, Adman, Pixolator
etc. 1 click away.

I`m sure you could even get an avis ZBC poster to run it for you if time was a n issue.
(and I know a number of us have ZB galleries that are serving the need).

If not, no problems :slight_smile: What does everyone else think?

I’m fer it :wink: I have liked that idea everytime you have mentioned it. Perhaps, all those for it should post an Aye! right here


Aye! :smiley:



Aye, Aye!

Aye!! :+1: :+1: :+1:



:+1: :sunglasses:


W aye not?
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi :slight_smile:
ZBC Gallery may be a plus and I will further investigate the available possibilities (it will most likely require a customized gallery-code to be written). More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Would most members be interested in a ZBC gallery? Please post your :+1: or :-1: for the possibility of having such gallery.


:sunglasses: :+1: :sunglasses:


It seems to me if a poster is good enough to warrant study, they probably already possess their own website and gallery.

Quicklinks meets the need of study and knowledge refinement for me just fine.

I’d prefer Pixologic spend it’s time/money/resources/programmer’s manhours on the software itself.

ZBC is for conversation and idea sharing. It’s not a portfolio site.

Another thought is the UI of this board does allow searches of names and post titles…(granted it’s through CRTL F, but I can search with relative ease if I want to see someone specific.

My 2 cents.

:small_orange_diamond: :+1: :large_orange_diamond:

Hi Pixolator . . . :slight_smile:

Having a gallery here doesn’t matter to me, one way or another. Members already post their images here, so it’s kinda like being redundant, & if that’s not enough, they post them at “Renderosity”, or their own site. I don’t know how many times or places people want to post their images??? :confused:

I do agree with Kathy’s statement - “I’d prefer Pixologic spend it’s time/money/resources/programmer’s man-hours on the software itself.” - In my opinion, that’s much more important than having another place to post images. There’s still so much more to correct & to add to ZBrush. :wink:

If the forum we have going now was dedicated to Questions / Answers / Tutorials / Tips / Help, & learning all about how to use ZBrush to it’s fullest, rather than the very few who choose to post their high quality images, due to the fact that they understand ZBrush much more than 90% of all other users, & sometimes throw in a few tips, if asked, ( excluding Pixolator ), then I would say a gallery would be welcomed. But in my opinion, this is not what we have at the moment. :rolleyes:

That’s my reason for the “Thumbs Down”. Have a good one . . . :cool: Mark.

At the risk of alienating myself further on here, I have to say :td: to the idea.

For one thing, there is already a ZBrush gallery at Renderosity.com and many people are posting there as well as here. Renderosity doesn’t have the 200K file size restriction, either, so the pieces posted there have the potential to look better than they could if posted here.

Second, I agree with Kathy that I’d rather see Pixolator and Co. devoting programming time to creating the next batch of ZBrush program goodies rather than creating a gallery here that is basically redundant.

I LOVE to see the work that all of you produce. It’s an endless source of inspiration and insights (I can’t count the number of times that I figured out how to do something only because I saw the results in someone’s picture). I just don’t see the point in asking Pixolator to reinvent a perfectly functional wheel.

My suggestion is, instead of a ZBC Gallery, have a link button for individual galleries. Perhaps a button that says: “See Gallery”, in the same area as the Profile, Email, Private Message and Edit Post buttons are. Links to individual galleries can be modified in that users ZBC profile.

For some this would be Renderosity. Others might have a personal web gallery…etc.

A separate gallery area at ZBC can be set up as a launching pad to these sites as well.

I like the idea of having a ZBC gallery. Perhaps there are ways to achieve this without the added effort to re-invent the wheel.

Just thoughts.

Redundant. Spend the time and money on Zbrush itself. This forum totally kicks butt the way it is. Look at other forums. Show me a better one, cause I have yet to see it. Talkgraphics is a great forum as well, but not better than this one.

Thanks for asking, Pix!

Kaz – Great idea with allowing users to create a link to their gallery through their profile. Although, come to think of it, the same thing can be done with the signature edit, can’t it? Hmmmm… Still, the link as a part of the preferences/profile would be simpler and I doubt would require much programming compared to the creation of an entire gallery section on the site.