Is it possible to start a gallery at ZBC. ie ZBFORUM, FAQ FORUM, COMMUNITY FORUM AND GALLERY. I know members are encouraged to post images but could they not be moved into a member specific gallery. I like to go back and look at different pieces of work to see how people did a particular thing ie. THe Saint. If there was a saint gallery here I could switch into it with ease and see a list of images (maybe with thumbnails a la renderosity). I know we have the gallery but I would like to see something here and readily accessible.
As the stuff is already on your servers I don`t see space being an issue and I couold only serve to encourage us all to better things. Imaging having access to all the works of The Saint, Adman, Pixolator
etc. 1 click away.
I`m sure you could even get an avis ZBC poster to run it for you if time was a n issue.
(and I know a number of us have ZB galleries that are serving the need).
If not, no problems What does everyone else think?