
Zero Dean's Elephant Skin Alpha Pack v1.0

I had planned on doing something similar to sharing loads of alphas when my girlfriend and i went to the denver zoo but it was to dark so noting would turn out. thanks so much for sharing! very appreciated.

really helpfulā€¦thank you man :+1: 5*

Thanks for the alphas they are great !

also hundreds of free textures here.

Great Alphas! Thank you!

Oh thank you zerodean. I was going to create some elephant alphas for a project i just started. Thank you very much for sharing . :slight_smile:

Many thanks for your thoughtfulness!!!

Really thank you. Was missing some kind of skins, just like these ones.

Thanks for these :+1:

ZeroDean tnx a lot for this fantastic very useful Alpha pack!!!
Irreplaceable !!! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Thanks for posting such a usefull pack, you are the man.

holy crap! thank you! maaaaaaan, iā€™m gonna be making a loooooooot of old people!



Iā€™ve been stuck working in a heavy production environment working on non-organic models, so have had no time for ZBrush, but Iā€™m going to try to force myself back to it early 2008 with some of the little personal time I have.

With that said, stopping by here for the first time in months was a 1st step.

Replying to this post to let you know I have another alpha pack just waiting to get posted is step 2. :slight_smile: Gotta be home for that though! Look for something here by the new year. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much ! great alpha pack!

č¬č¬ä½ !


hey zerodean i dont mean to raise this thread from the dead again i was just wondering if you will be posting the new alpha pack soon that you were talking about because elephant ones really helped with realistic wrinkles for creature texture and some animal texture. just wondering what pack is going to include that your talking about because i would love to see you do reptile pack with scales and skin from different lizards and snakes and many other reptiles it would definitly be great if you could make reptile pack with the same quality that you did the elephant pack would be very useful thanks again for the great elephant pack by the way very helpful and a great contribution to the zbrush custom alpha collection great for detailing and texturing. another sugestion would be to do fur pack i know that would help like any custom alphas you could create for doing custom hair and fur these are just some sugestions. if you ever would like to make another pack for the zbrush community. but again i can understand your very limited with your time working for rockstar games but again i do thank you for the limited time you do have doing these alpha packs and all. it is greatly appreciatedā€¦

Thanks a lot for this great stuff! Have a good ZBrushinā€™

really many thx itā€™s a cool stuffs :smiley:

Thanks much for these!

Also a noob zbrush user questionā€¦ when yo umake alpha brushes, arenā€™t you supposed to darken the edges in a faded circle in photoshop, so the edges blend in with what you are working on?

I thought I saw something like that in a video tutorial, but Iā€™m still very green and learning.

Very nice, thank you!

JAWSOME!!! Lotta schwat stuff to look at through here.