
***** ZBrush 4R6 Available Now *****

Yes! amazing improves for ingame modeling and hardsurfaces. Thank you Pixilogic!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I love you pixologic. Beast of the best. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Pixo ROX! nuff said! :slight_smile:

Holy crap! Trim brushes and Zremesher looks awesome. Need to try them out. Can Zremesher really work that well? If soā€¦ dauuuumn! :cool:

I tried the Remesher with a bunch of models. All I can sayā€¦Iā€™m absolutely speechless! What a tool! Must be some DrPetter inside:D Try it by yourself it rocks!

Thankā€™s Pixo!

You guys kick ass!!


Awesome!! add animation too,and rule the cg world.

I tried mudbox retopo latley and thought:
ā€œWell this is easy and even in low poly very effective.ā€
But what ZRemsher already does just on the fly, without any adjustments, is ā€¦ well it isā€¦

I love you guys!

Thank you very much, that will change a part of my live, I guess.
Canā€™t wait to check all the new features, but time is rare actually.

thank you pixologic! great job!!

Time is rare and new tools are too many.
Thank you pixologic for this amazing upgrade
I did lot of tests on remesher. Speechless.

Magnificent! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

No need for retopo !? :open_mouth: Its seams this is a one magic click button !


Great,interesting and especially useful new tools.

Every time that Pixologic give us a new release the world is a better place to liveā€¦

I prefer also an unexpected version instead of tons of hype base on videos released months before :slight_smile:

It will be out when ready :slight_smile:

The upgrade was smooth with the upgrader.exe, it did ask me to re-activate though. So something small that has bothered me before during upgrades. The web activation form, please make it possible to just copy the serial number from the mail into the activation form. atm you have to manually copy the 4 groups of characters of the serial key seperately instead of the entire code :wink:

Amazing stuff,thank you Pixologic once again. :slight_smile:


Pixologic has by far the best developers Iā€™ve ever seen. Not only is the content of your software remarkable but the fact that you give these big updates to your users for free says a lot about how much you care more for the artist then you do the mighty $. I respect you guys soo much.

This is a great update. I was just about to figure out how I was going to retopo my first full character haha. I guess Zremesher will be the answer!

Thank you Dev Team and everyone else at Pixologic for the years of support of the 3D community.

Awesome! Canā€™t wait to update tonight!!

Love ZRemesher! I could not find my way out of QRemesher but this oneā€¦ just one click and dreams come true!

Thank you Pixo!

P.S. Is it safe to remove 4R5? Should i deactivate it first?

Nice release, thanks Pixologic !