
***** ZBrush 4R6 Available Now *****

Love is in the air! :smiley:

Does Zremesher need to be used on only one subtool or can I merge subtools together and use it? Anyone that has tried?

Can’t wait to test ZRemesher tonight. Thanks for the amazing job Pixologic !

it works on individual subtools. tested myself on a couple that were around 2 million polys each. also keeps hard edges if the target count is high enough. smooth and works like you would expect.

ah. also can work with all subtools merged, but keep in mind the poly count has to be distributed along a larger surface.

Thank you Pixologicians, I do prefer new releases without a hint of warning, nice.

I actually thoroughly enjoy manually retopologizing, (I really do) and I don’t like the computer/app to do the “inbetweening” for me, so that part of me is kind of a little bit sad, knowing that I too, can push the button…temptations abound.

But I have to say the ZRemesher is pretty flipping cool.
I tried it straight out of the box, default settings, no guides or hints, on a dynamesh bust, Click, boom, and there it was, a rather decent and impressive retopologization.
This is going to be handy, especially for dynamesh’s.

Oh wait, are there other new features too…nice!

Seriously though, joking aside. Very cool.
Thank you!

Thanks Pixologic very cool update!

This is awesome. I just got ZBrush last week, and was super impressed. As I was learning the tools, I thought of a few things that would make it even better, including keeping polygroups while Dynameshing, and using curves to create creases. Well, I guess I wasn’t the only one. Excellent job! Pixologic is super!

I think this is an amazing feature and I was already happy with QRemesher!

I had a recurrent, kinda major, problem with QRemesher that I thought was solved with ZRemesher, but testing it at home yesterday I noticed that the problem is still there and it’s just a little detail that prevents the generated models to be production-ready: spirals. At first when you look at the topology it looks completely flawless, but as soon as you try to select a loop on a retopologized limb, for example, instead of a full loop, the edge goes up that limb in spiral, until it meets some “star”. Again, this is the ONLY thing I can think that’s preventing models to be almost production-ready right out of the box, but it’s a major one at same time. Any solutions for this? Something that we don’t know about? I tried to add full loops manually, using ZRemesher guides placed across the arms and legs and cranking the ZRemesher influence, but even that way the spirals still happen.

All other features look fantastic! :smiley:


Big thank you again! Update was very smooth.

I also saw some Zbrush merchandise in the store!
I might have to order. :wink:

Props to all of the Pixo - krew… You guys rock :slight_smile:
The ZRemesher is awesome! (ô¿ô)
I gave it a test drive with the target polycount level set to 10, no other tweaks or settings. Just a quick -n- dirty test.

Can’t wait to be able to spend more time in learning this amazing program.

wow!! :smiley:

Amazing. You guys are one of the best, if not THE best companies out there. Your support and desire to push the industry forward always amazes me. Some of the new features are EXACTLY what I was hoping for too!

Now all you need is a rig and animation system using your always surprising but genius out of the box thinking methodology and I can basically give up every other tool out there except game engines! :slight_smile: ALthough I am always a bit partial to sub D modeling at times. Other than THAT, Zbrush does everything I need!

Go Team Pixologic!!!

I say this all the time, but I’ll say it again. You guys rock. Not only do you make the coolest software out there, but you do it time and time again. With free updates!

I love you. In a manly way of course :wink:

Heeey! Released accidentally found out about the update and have hurried to to update zbrush, but in the middle of the automatic updates, error has got out, with reference to the incorrect placement of ZB4R6*? hmmm… Currently downloading new build is installed manually…

Moreover, as time out to do retopology this character. : D


hoho )))… win8 recognized in the installer zb4r6 danger :smiley:

…Reading the 4R6 docs now!

it’s absolutely amazing.

Ok, wow. :+1: Can’t wait to try it out.

Psycehd! you guys are awesome! Keep at it!

Cant wait to test it out!.

All the new features are brutal!

Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll!! I just get R5 reauthorized yesterday on a replacement system and at 2 this morning I see Pix has laid another golden egg!!

I know my psycho laughter is entertaining everyone. :lol: