
ZBrush 4.0 Purchase and Upgrade Schedule

I’ll be the first to admit that I have been very critical of Pixologic’s inability to give the Mac development it’s proper attention and let us know when/if a Mac version is anywhere on the horizon. So let me just say thank you for FINALLY letting us know. It is long over due.
Hopefully Pixologic will actually hit the date they have promised us. We’ll see. I will be VERY surprised if they do.

Pixologic, you guys are artists in every sense! the choice of music that accompanies each demo video always fits the occasion perfectly. there should be a Pixologic Mixes Album :wink: …or at least roll the credits. i wouldn’t be surprised if you guys composed it all yourselves!

thanks for all the Hard Work on the upcoming release




But, aww man… I won’t be able to make it to Siggraph and I want to pre-order ZBrush 4 limited edition via online but get 3.5 to play with now.

Thank you Pixologic!!!
I have a (probably a stupid) question. When it says current users of zbrush get 4.0 update is that only meaning the ones that previously bought zb3 or are you meaning the others that bought zb2 or zb1 for that matter will also get it? Also one more question. What happens if you bought ZB for PC but PC is breaking and want a Mac version of Zb4?


Sweet! This is what I have been waiting for? Now I know why it took so long!

ZBrush 4 is a free upgrade for anyone who’s ever purchased a license. However, as the initial post states if you have not yet upgraded to 3.2 (Mac) or 3.5 (PC) you should contact Support to do that NOW. This will allow you to receive the 4.0 upgrade as soon as possible after it launches.

Regarding changing platforms, the upgrade must be to the platform that you already own a license for. If you wish to change platforms, you can do so by purchasing a second seat at a 50% discount. Or you can sell your current license and then use the profits from that to help offset the price of a new license at full price. With either option, please contact Support for the necessary instructions.

Beauty in essence. Back to the basics in a modern way. :+1:

Wow!! Outstanding work everyone! Shadowbox is looking promising and I caaant wait to play with Match Maker. This will make so many things a lot of easier. Youre awesome Pixologic!

Sick! Just sick! Shadowbox modeling looks incredible. What an intelligent and innovative feature! And by the looks of it, finally we have accurate hard shadows (which shows shadows of object hidden from view). I’m blown away yet again. Can’t wait to see more.

Are we going to be getting demo versions of 4 anytime soon. I have been blown away by what I have seen, but haven’t had the chance to try the software and would like to demo it before spending $600 or better.

Man, I wish there was some sort of live feed to see what’s going on with Pixo at Siggraph. They must be set up and showing by now! I even created a dreaded Twitter account to see if there was any new news. I guess it’ll come trickling through soon enough (just not soon enough for me :smiley: )

Yeah, I thought we would of heard something by now.

Been searching around myself to see if anyone there was talking about what they have seen.

Mike R

Same here. And spamming my Refresh button on my browser. :frowning: Waiting sucks.

I’ve been F5’n all day. The anticipation is killing me!

I want to see 64-bit and layer painting in ZB4 :stuck_out_tongue:

but those look more like feature related to the render engine not a layer painting system ?

I love the real-time SSS though?

Doh. Of course your right. Too many long days and nights in a row. :smiley:


Mike R

One thing I’m not sure that anyone has mentioned but that is obvious from the very first screenshot in this thread (the one with the green watch), and that is that there is at least some basic camera animation system in. If you look right above the Document section of the screenshot you can see a timeline with keyframes, and to the far left it says “Camera”.

Are those physically accurate cast shadows that I see in those renders? As in, not funky ZMode shadows, but real 3D shadows? Because man, would that ever be nice. :slight_smile:

Wow, after watching that vid, and seeing those pics, I feel like I should light up a cigarette.:wink:

Awesome stuff.