
ZBrush 3 Beta Images/The latest Zbrush - ROCKS!!!!!!

Thank you billrobertson42. Hope that helped SNARK… :wink:

Thanks, guys. I’ve just noticed a lot of my ‘Favorites’ links are dead.


Very Fun character here…!!!

:+1: :smiley: :+1:

Thank you piz, everytime I think this thread has fallen away, a nice person comes along and pokes it to life. Glad it brought a smile! :wink:

man your the man, its wierd you start 23 years ago and now you what 40 so Im thinking you started at 17. Im a newbie also 17 and i know a few things also, Im curently studing MATH Biology Chemitary Advance studies to be come a doctor but i would like to do do animations/character creating and stuff like that for a hobby, i love this stuff i got bord of playing these MMorp games (massive multiplayer online role playing games) so i was think i wanna make something like that, (one day lol) but im not afrad to start from the bottom down to the very core of the earth and i have time lots of time. the thing is i dont know where to start i have autodesk maya learing edition and Im curently playing around with that and i wanna get zbrush soon so have you got any tips for a newbie it would realy help. i was thinking of making the human body from scrach for better understanding as a future doctor

please reply i realy need help :smiley:

Hello Mascuud, well any place is good to start. Zbrush will allow you many more options than almost any other tool, from concept to sculpt to texture and pose. Then an animation package will allow you to go further. I don’t know of anything that will make easy for you as rigging is going to be the hard part (model to boned character for the package of choice), but several scripts exist on Highend3d.com that will make getting this out of the way a lot easier. You are lucky hobby or otherwise, non of these wonderful tools existed back when a computer wasn’t even the equivalent of a modern day calculator. By the way, math is good, Pixar makes the prettiest math I’ve ever seen… :wink:

Well thank you very much, i see things much clearly now ill go a head now and start building i will send you some of my work when i complete it . it’l probably take a week or more because Im a newbie anyway thanks for the help:)

just royal

Nice work! thankx

Hello i_close2you, I take it your a person of few words, but like the thread content or perhaps the additions by our fella Zbrushers. Either way welcome, and thanks for reminding me I have some stuff to get up here in the next couple of months as this fella’s surfer pod has grown. :wink: