

Thank you for taking the time to explain zaliti. I already have an idea for using this technique! Thanks again for sharing your technique!

you make the creepiest stuff bruh. lol i love it though!

Impressive jobs ! Soo inspriring !
Your renders are just awesome.

Take care,


high quality work :+1:

Really great thank you for sharing!

Great job!! Cool render!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Simply Fantastic work!
Thank you for sharing some of your process.

Thank you very much…!!!

head creature.jpg

Just awesome! :+1:

That last one is definitely one of my favourites of your sculpts.:sunglasses:

I like the concept very much for the last one. What shader did you use for the eyes? Or is post-procesing, photoshop tricks?

That last one has a “Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark” feel to it. Great stuff!

Oh my this absolutely stunning , superb work sir !

Thank you very much guys, I appreciate!!..

mihail.lupu :I generally use basic material2 and toy plastic,with a little photoshop if necessary

face central.jpg

salam jaime bien t’es rendu …jai encor deschoose a apprendre pour fair de fine detaille dans mes sculpture et aussi de travailler plus le coté rendu parcque je lance tjr mes rendu a l’improviste …apart sa je serai curieux de voir des traveau d’art abstrait ou qq chose comme ça appart les monstre …
et tbarkalah 3lik 5oya :slight_smile:

really nice sketchbook. Some great character designs. Can’t wait to see more

pure stunning your sketchbook, I have to say it again man! Really impressive and your creature design is just bad ass!:+1:small_orange_diamond:)
Very inspiring mate keep it going and happy zbrushing!
All the best,

  • Kenny :slight_smile:


dynamesh steps






Love seeing your process. Great sculpt too.

Also wanted to quickly ask how you did your deatiling on your skin wrinkles on the chest and hips. Thanks.