
Ysalex sketchbook

Wow thanks Cherub, that means a lot coming from you and your work.

I finally managed to get the tutorial up on my site.


Specificially the tutorial goes over how to get your high-res sculpt into maya while avoiding mayas .obj import quirks.

It goes over setting proper scene scale (which you need for accurate lighting, shading and effects), and then how to bake, assign, and configure a 32 bit floating point displacement map using zbrush, to give you the most accurate render results, making sure you don’t lose any detail in the transition between maya and zbrush.

I know this isn’t super advanced info, it’s mostly nuts and bolts stuff, but I do hope it helps someone.



AWESOME :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: Thanks a lot man for your tutorial !

Truly impressive. very good :+1: :+1: :+1:

I was recently asked to re-render this for something/someone.

Rendering it out took me a couple days. The head renders in about 2 hours, but the hair takes forever. In the end I had to render the hair in a separate pass with lower quality settings, then comp that to the bald version of her head with the higher settings for the skin etc.

This piece was done at the beginning of the year, but I only just was able to re-render it the last two or three days at a much higher-res (original was meant to be 1000X1500), so it’s about 4 times as large.
Doing that required more small-res detail, repainting some bigger textures, and new layers of smaller hairs, like flyaway hairs etc.

The hair is fibermesh, the flyaways I added are just a super roughed up set of fibermesh hairs gone crazy.

Here is the high-res link because zbrushcentral asks me to compress it down so far: http://i.cubeupload.com/uVtG1p.png




great work man, nice breakdowns on your website too, thanks for those. It’s always useful to see how other people do things.

Very nice realism to this piece. :+1:

Beautiful work!:+1: And thanks for the great tutorial!

Sorry for the older work, but I have been asked to re-render some of these out. Here is the larger size of this, plus: New hair, new skin, new dress shader + dress details, skin fuzz pass, and the environment.

Here is the big size 3000px, without compression: http://i.cubeupload.com/RVKzPh.jpg

And here is the smaller, 2000px size, with a ton of compression, sorry about that. It really is much better in the above one.




Awesome. I wouldn’t have put a fuzz pass on the legs though. Women shave. :+1:

looking good :slight_smile:
i personally don’t like that the lower lip is coming out that much though

Thanks guys

So here is the new high-res: This version is uncompressed and 4000px, the one below is super compressed and only 2000px, so I can’t say enough how much better quality the high-res one is.


Lots of changes, and the lip is taken in!


Stunning! Not sure what that jar of yellow liquid symbolizes, though. :smiley:

Hmm… any ideas for making it look a little more like beer?

She’s looking great :slight_smile: Personally I dont’ love the shader on the purple top [feels like leather, kinda weird if it were but maybe that’s intended + it having the same crumpled paper texture as the rest feels a bit much].

Man, I absolutely love this. I hope you don’t mind but I did a quick paintover to show how I would sell the beer a bit more. The foam is probably too high in this version but hopefully you see what I’m getting at. I also messed around with the overall tones a bit, but feel free to ignore this!


Thanks guys, pretty excited for this, the previous, alternate version of this character is on this months cover for 3d creative magazine. I did a tutorial inside that goes over some of my character creation workflow, trial and error, marvelous designer, Maya, and zbrush. http://www.3dcreativemag.com/


@Jefferies - thanks, I am still having a tough time with the head foam, but haven’t gotten a chance to revisit it yet. Your paintover for the foam is nice, and I appreciate you taking the time. Since the beer is half finished, I think I’m going to try to get something more uneven, maybe some foam on the sides of the glass, maybe some condensation. I will do what I can.

@Magdalena - I appreciate it. I corrected some of the dress for this version, it was in a strange place before you mentioned it.

Here is the next update. Like last time, the high quality version is a lot larger and nicer to look at than this one: http://i.cubeupload.com/xRVIej.jpg


Amazing work, really like the tattoo!

I did a tutorial inside that goes over some of my character creation workflow
Immediately bought! :slight_smile:

Outstanding work, I have been watching this progress and really love the piece. I only have one crit, and that is I think the skin pores on her lower legs are too large and deep. But that’s a a very minor thing! :slight_smile:

Skin looks so much better… and no fuzz on the legs! :lol: Awesome work dude.