
Wonderful woman

I keep wanting to comment, but I just don’t know what to say. That. Eye. Is. Unbelievable. You’re quite the tease, by the way. I almost dread the big reveal. Stunning work! :slight_smile:

really nice work, what are you using to render this?

Really incredible work - you’re extremely talented!

Definitely the best eye Ive ever seen! :smiley: I could of stare for days watching the pupils. If I can add something, I would of tweak a bit the further left small eyelashes of the upper eyelid- Well done! Keep it up! :+1:

it is amazing :smiley:
I love your work man.

This is looking incredible so far!

I love this thread. May I ask you Big Guns, how you created the eyelashes? Is it Maya FX Hairs? or are they modelled with splines?

Hey thank’s all really appreciate it :slight_smile:

MarkCharles : The eye lash as the rest, is done in 3dsmax and using Hairfarm and it’s all rendered in Vray 2.4 for now, I may switch to 3 soon.

OMG! This is looking rad ! this level of realism is really top notch:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Indeed this is a one of very few realistic eyes i have seen over the internet , amazing job i wish to see the rest of ur model , after you finish if you could share with us a techniques or workflow it will be much appreciated

Wow this … is …stunning !

Thank’s guys, :slight_smile:

Ok, so here’s an other sneak peak that reveal a lot more now :slight_smile: More to come soon guys im on vacation days hehe

eye render 1396.jpg

By the way I’m completely redoing the hairs, changing haircut ,the new one fit’s her better :slight_smile:

Much better renders to come soon :slight_smile:

Stunning! We need moar!

Pretty crazy stuff dude!

Looks amazing already. Very real.

Hey thank’s guys

One more then :slight_smile:

eye render 1408.jpg

How did you make the connection between the caruncula lacrimalis and the eye?

Extremely gorgeous and beautiful, can’t wait for it:)

Very nice job done on this so far. What kind of resources does this take up for just the head, how big are the maps, and how dense is the base mesh that your using during render time? Can only imagine how resource hungry this would be if she had a full body to that detail.

Keep up the good work. Dan.
