
Welcome to the NEW ZBrushCentral!


Hi there! I’ll be happy to answer your questions.

  1. Every time it’s a new project, yes. If it’s additional images for your current project, you would reply to that topic. But if it’s a new project, start a new topic.
  2. Have you been to your Profile? There’s tons of info there. The Followers info is on the Network tab. Both who you’re following and who is following you.
  3. Again, check out your profile. I’m not talking about your mini profile that you see when you click your name but rather your full profile from either the upper right corner of the page or by clicking your name in the mini profile.
  4. Go to your topic and next to its title, click the pencil icon to edit the topic info. There you can edit the name, the category and also add tags.

I think you’ll find that you have a lot more information and control now than you used to have.


@aurick Thanks a lot!
I’ll try to figure them out.:grinning:

Hey Aurick, I’m not seeing the old user gallery under the name like it used to show. How do we access our old files.

Also, you know how a lot of people have combined their posts into one sketchbook. Is there something like Artstation’s portfolio now? Wondering if the old single thread is still the best way to post work.

This thread should answer your questions: Thread and User Gallery

As for your old files, it depends on how old the thread is. Any thread that has not been active in the last year has not yet been migrated to the new ZBC. You’ll find those threads at http://archive.zbrushcentral.com.

Gotcha, that explains a lot. All of my stuff is over a year old and artists I follow have very reduced image lists. I see from that other thread you guys are working on galleries so I’ll keep an eye out.

Great Look and Feel!. Although the conduct guidelines have been in place, it’s great to see them promoted amongst the users here.


Congrats! The whole new thing looks awesome, I can’t wait to see the gallery once you finish the migration process.

Looks awesome when looking at pictures… but when u try to read some thread it is a total mess.

Sorry I tried to figure out how to post wips in one topic but I failed.
I absolutely create a new topic for a new project.
But it’s hard to update a wip topic,because only show the first image.
So I feel a little meaningless to post wips.It goes more like post the final images.
Or what you suggest is to create a new topic even if for a updating of wip,am I right?

We are currently working on a feature to let you choose the image that will be used for the topic’s wall presence. If you still have the ability to edit your post, simply add the newest image to the very start of the topic. As the first image in the topic, that’s what will display.

Even without that, look at it this way: When you reply to your topic with more images, the original image will still be used in the wall but the topic will move to the top. People who’ve never seen it before will now have an opportunity to do so. People who have been interested in it and are now following you or have bookmarked it will also receive notifications that you’ve updated it. So even though the wall image isn’t changing, you’re still getting exposure.

Nice new look. :+1:

Looking forward to the new feature.
Thanks a lot.
It doesn’t seem available to edit the first post in the topic I want to update,but some else do.Weird but it doesn’t matter.I will update it anyway.
Thanks again for your patience.
I appreciate.

Awesome! :love_you_gesture:small_orange_diamond:grinning:

Looks great! Like the focus on artwork and putting that front and center and various style improvements.

Regardless of what I think about the theme you’ve implemented, thank you for moving to a modern forum framework (discourse I believe). This makes it much easier to view and access via phone and other devices which is all important these days. Far more important, in my opinion, than any quibbles about big icons/small icons/like the way it was, etc…

The theme on top of the forum framework may change, but the framework itself is a big change and a welcome one. Thank you

Bit confusing to be honest but I’ll get used to it. I’d like to disable that little box on the lower left side of the forum though… it’s sort of annoying. Should be a way to turn that off.

Sorry,man.I notice that several of my topics disappear,and I post doubles of some topics because I found those were missing after ZBC updates.
Is there a way to get the missings back and delete the repetitions?

I’ll have @melissa take a look and see if there were any issues with the migration of your posts.

Any duplicates that you have posted, please send me a private message with links to the ones that need deleting. I will remove those for you.


A BIG thanks to all of you.

Thanks you so much,I appreciate.
I’ve already sent to you the links.

I really fail to see why so many people like this new format.
Adding new functionality is great but IMHO the format of the new site is a nightmare … :frowning:

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