
Vray sss2 head

played around with the head…




When I suggested a little more grit I didn’t think that extreme! :D:D:D

Interesting render.

Not so sure about the mess on the face, but I really like the face itself. The eyes came out really well.

looking better and better! keep posting! :+1:

Great work !

Can you please post some of your settings ?

Eyes are awesome, also the skin How did you do that?

thanks for all comments !!!
now I show you some settings for the eyes I use.
the shader is very complex. I cannot show every parameter. but an overview. human eyes have always the same diameter (2,4 cm). and the iris something between 8-11 mm.





I’ve never really took the time to learn the actual specs of the human eye. That’s actually really good info as i usually take quite a while trying to “eyeball” the right size. (bad pun intended, couldn’t resist!) :lol:

Well done on the head BTW!

good work! any progress after those last updates? :slight_smile:

thats great shading man!

would it be possible to post a render without sss, a lambert perhaps. i’m curious whats textures and whats coming from your sss shading.

really great mate.

Thanks for posting up your settings, very very helpful stuff!

Could you point out which texture you have set up as the scatter colour?

I am assuming it is the top left one of the four you posted could you tell me why you used that texture for the scatter colour?

I am just now getting into Vray and it’s SSS shader is quite different from MRs which I am used to.

Thanks for sharing, I came across this and it answered a few questions for me. You Rock!:smiley:

Is it possible to apply opacity in sss2 shader?