
Undoz's Sketchbook (slight nudity)

That head has TONS of character. Great job!

great sculpts you can def tell that the future holds great thing for you… :smiley:

one question: the beard effect? what tool do you use to get that fuzzy look? or just come random alpha? i usually do a bump map using the fiber brush… what’s your approach?

Absoluetly superb sculpting, your cloth is amazing. Do you know of any good cloth tutorials out there for us strugglinh 3D sculptors? Or have any hints/tricks you can share with us?

Wow, that head is amazing, honestly! :+1: :+1: :+1: Nice work on hair also

All your models have a life to them :smiley:

Great clean looking work. There’s a natural feel to all of these…really inspiring stuff.

Thanks Alex!
Bryan, thank you!
BANDD, for that effect I use the attached alpha with a spray stroke. You can also use that with Zsub to create skin pores.
anime_gamer thanks! for cloth you could study Vilppu’s drawing manual or videos on this subject. It has a nice explanation on cloth fold types. Another way is by observation from reference.
Darukin, thank you!
PaulAdams, thanks man!


top notch work!! Your cloth modeling is really nice!

your work in the Aaron from FFX is fantastic oO !
amazing sketchbook

stalsby, Ldgree, thank you!

Here’s a quick model of an elf… The base was made from zspheres and because it should have been only a sketch, I haven’t bother to make the hands :slight_smile:

I have to make some low-mid poly models the old fashion way and I usually start with with a doodle in zbrush to use as a future reference.



great work man!
nice posture.


Really like the models…you’ve got amazing skills! :+1: :+1:

really love your clean works !..and omar`s head is great !

man! so great sculpts here,WOW!:smiley: :+1:

Omar Little… Haha. I love that damn show. Great work, Omar’s profile seems a little stronger than the frontal view, but great work non the less.

The elf piece is fantastic! Nice pose, nice subtle anatomy.

abyss103 thanks man!
SolidSnakexxx: thanks, I appreciate it
skulll_monster: thanks. Yeah, I’m trying to keep them smooth :slight_smile: The truth is that I can’t get too much into details.
rodion vlasov thank you!
pOiNtPuShEr yes, it’s one of the best series I’ve seen. You are totally right. I can see the flaws now :frowning: Too bad I’m not able to notice them at the moment I’m working on it.
MouthforWar, thank you! I love your models from your website. Very inspiring work. I wish I could learn traditional sculpting some day.

Here’s a character that I’ve done last weekend but only now I managed to find some time to render it.
It’s inspired after the ‘Little man from another place’ from Lynch’s Twin Peaks.
Hope you like it.


Hey, that`s really good! You got the pose on him just right.

Wow… really great sculpts in this thread so far!

Keep up the great work!

another great one! keep on rockin!

this is great!