
Undoz's Sketchbook (slight nudity)

Looking forward to hopefully seeing more from you,best wishes


Man, you got some relly nice stuff here, everything already at my ‘reference’ folder :smiley:
keep up with the great work buddy!

amazing sketchbook, I like the fact the portrait of a female looks genuine and not overdone like a lot of the female models on here.

hey ,this is so inspiring works,some work remind me works of kolbyjukes

keep posting more pic

impressive stuff, I love the FFX character, that is bada$$, awesome stuff!

Your flame thrower guy is amazing! :+1:

for the life of me i cant figure out how to get those sharp edges and clothing seams like in you glove and shoe sculpts

care to share your method?

Very kool, i like them all.

This is just amazing work!

great work!!

hey man!

congrats on the frontpage plug. well deserved. your stuff is really inspireing.
keep them coming.


Hi undoz well deserved! :wink: I like the Auron esp. the hair and facial expression. Are you going to texture these sculpts?? Im looking forward…

greats masc

skullbeast: thanks man!
Rodin: haha, you are right about the similarity. maybe I’ve seen your model and it entered into my subconscious :slight_smile: Yours is looking good too!
calum5ZB thank you!
funkdelic thanks :slight_smile:
RiVvenGuard thank you!
3mm thanks, I’m a fan of him!
pangman thanks man!
AA-ron thanks!
Rols574 it’s really easy. Make sure that you have enough resolution. Create a sharp seam with a small brush and then retrace it with the pinch brush so it will be very thin at the end.
andy.chen thank you!
baker17 thank you!
hey abyss. thanks, it’s a great honor :slight_smile:
Hi masc. I’m glad that you like that model. About texturing… I think that I’ll focus more on modeling right now. I’m trying to learn as much as I can and that means to leave a lot of uncompleted works behind.

Here’s a rendering in zb.



Superb Man:+1: :+1:

awesome work man…
he reminds me of the pyro from team fortress 2. :stuck_out_tongue:

keep it up man

beautiful work man. love the clean lines

great work!
love the last one especially

fantastic work,very very impressive and inspiring stuff!

Thanks Seb!
Samar: thanks! I was picturing it more towards wolfenstein :slight_smile:
inverse catheter: thanks!
Dezz: thank you!
Bryan: thanks man!

Been watching The Wire lately and I had a go at this model. This series has such a great range of interesting physiognomies in it’s cast.


wow! great head! love it

Alex Oliver