
Topology, Topo-Rigging & more (Tutorials by Rastaman)

Rastaman…got one more question…I also posted this in another thread but I think you might be able to help.

I did your toporig just as explained. But when I go to move the zsphere once they have been bound they do not rotate…the only move…and the parent to child relationship is broken.

this pic is me in the rotate tool trying to move arm.

Thanks in advance!


Nick, I already posted this in the Topo-Flow-Thread:

I only have sometimes an out-of-the-model-comming rig when I bind a rig to a model on which the rig-topology wasn’t originally created.
On the original-model, I never saw this behavior.

For posing, use Rotate-mode and Drag primarily the ZBones (the connection-lines between the micro-zspheres) . Only use the micro-zspheres for rotating around the length-axis of your Zbones.

In every case, the micro-zspheres shouldn’t move away from each others when you are in Rotate-mode and drag a zbone, they must always stay on their realtive length-positions to their neighbours and only move in a rotation manner.

Did you create the topology of this rig on this model or did you adapt it from another ?
In which modes do you work ?
You are sure to have Rotate-mode active, not the Move-mode ?

Unbind and delete your model from the rig and pose the rig alone.
If it also behaves strange, you might be in the wrong mode.

Whilst I agree that Rotate mode is great for posing, try also holding down Alt in Move mode for ‘natural-linked movement’. So, for example, hold down Alt and grab the ankle micro-zsphere, then move it up.


Haha, Marcus, do you know that you just found the hidden way to pose in IK (Inverse Kinematik) ? :grimacing:
Of course you know.:laughing:
You’re really genious. :bulb:

Any other secrets that you found ? :smiley:

So, folks, I will update the topo-rigging-tutorial and the top-post once again to include the previous known FK-like pose-method in Rotate-mode and Marcus’ way that represents IK-mode.

Now we are coming closer and closer to a really perfect rigging-system Pixologic hided secretely in ZB3.
As I wrote, I find this rigging system much more comfortable and easier to control than any other system I have seen so far, including messiah etc.:smiley:

It’s just the old ZSphere posing method, nothing new.

Not at the moment, though I’m hoping to zscript something you may find useful (if I can get it to work as I want!) :wink:

The tutorial is updated with a closer description of FK and Marcus’ IK-technique.

Again a big thank to Marcus.:smiley:
Great job.:+1:

Rastaman & Marcus_Civis- That worked very well with the topology rig method then posing and exporting/importing the obj. with the new pose. Liked making the new poses on different layers was neat. Wonder if you could make a gif with those… if so I may have to try that out. Think most folks will really like it once they try it out. Great work guys… :+1: :+1:

Glad you got it working AngelJ,

This post may interest you :wink:



Awesome job Rastaman… very helpful tutorials.
Why don’t you put this up on the wiki? It would be nice to have all the info condensed there and not have to browse through different files/sites to look everything up.

grüße aus Frankfurt :wink:

Thanx, Gothax. :smiley:

Concerning the Wiki, I’m not sure if I have permission to do so ?
I thought so far the wiki is hosted by Pixologic for official statements.:confused:

Anyone can edit the Wiki; all you need to do is create an account. There’s a version of the Topology & Reflow Lab thread here:


Ah, ok, I see.

Thanks Marcus.

I will check for this tomorrow.

I just created an account in the wiki, but I am unsure if it has sense to just create there another site.:confused:

So far I see, users can then only find it via the ‘New Pages’-Topic, what makes not much sense in my mind.
And adding the PDF-tutorials into the tutorial-section of the main-page is not allowed for normal users, right as I suggested.

So until no ‘official’ decides that the PDF’s are worth a place on the main-site, I think most users can better find them here in the tutorial-section which has a good overview-site in the hierarchy-structure.

Marcus_Civis- Thanks for that link, will be checking it out in more depth! At first glance it looks pretty sweet!

Because I cannot add this new tutorial to my first post here (no more edit-feature), I started a new Thread with this:

I just released a new tutorial about merging objects using topology.

You find it here:






I Love You !
Zillllllllllllllllllllllllllion Thanks for your efforts

A further tip for working with topo-rigs:

  • For better seeing your rigg within your model, it’s much easier to work with a transparent material assigned to your model. A suitable transparent material for this is for example included in Marcus_Civis’ Plugin ‘Reference Image’ and is called ‘ModelTransMat.zmt’.
Maybe Marcus could be so kind to add a link for his material.

maan thats insane!,
like chuck norris thinks of a new tool in zbrush and zbrush will have it in no time.

r u chuck norris? ^^

thx for those tuts!

Great tutor! Can anyone tell me what is rigging and what is transpose in zb3? Zb3 has some great fratures and i’m looking forward to get my hand dirty.:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:confused:

If you read my tutorial about topo-rigging and read as well the wiki about transpose, the differences and advantages / disadvantages of both will be clear. :wink:

Transpose is a general manipulation tool in ZB3 for move, rotate and scale , where rigging is, well, mostly the same as it is in other apps.

So it depends on what you want to do before deciding what method is best for your needs.