
The Shooter

amazing work!

This is hilarious and awesome! Very great work! I LOVE the expression and the eye texture (and the wisps of hair!)

This is so cool, Congrats on Top row dude



I couldn’t stop laughing either!

Congrats on top row!..well, well deserved!

amazing attention to detail!

Brilliant job, love the composition the modelling and the painting of the model its really vibrant makes me smile.

Love it. Well done.

awesome!!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

What a beautiful and cute.I love it.Top row!

refreshing and made me smile. nice one.

Great work!

great!!! Muito foda man


Parabens Tiago !! Exelente trabalho, grande abraço!!

Crazy nice!!! Love the hair!!!

…cry! :cool:

Awesome! In addition to modeling and expression that struck me most was the render. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Amazing! Always amazes me when someone with such an artists mind can also grasp all the stuff with shaders and maps and such, great work!

Yeah! Amazing work Tiago!!:+1:

Thank you for the comment and for visiting my site! I’m glad you liked my work, but many of the works the studio techno Image is of my partners. This is my first work in 3D, usually I work with digital painting, if you are interested can see a bit of it here www.tiagohoisel.blogspot.com. Thank again!

Hi Rick! Thank you for the comment! I greatly admire your work. I was very happy to get a top row in my first 3d illustration. It really is a very interesting contrast between our work!
Thank you for your attention!

Hi Mikademius,

Thanks for the encouragement. I thought it never manages to come to a retopology, but in the end I was satisfied with the result! The Dynamesh is very easy and fun, worth a try! Best!
