
The Dark Knight Triumphant

Well… I’m quite speechless…
Simply… AWESOME!

This is so badass! Mad Props! :+1: :+1: two thumbs up for sure dude! Awesome work!

Nice Work and all, but post some W.I.P. Images. Let us see you zMesh, Max Mesh, … That’s the best stuff on Top row. Thanks. Keep zBrushing! :slight_smile:

Really well done, love the graphic quality.

:grimacing: WOW. . .nice first post

Inspirational and desktop worthy

Wow…very cool Batman model! Great texture and render as well! :+1: :+1:

Top row, very well deserved. Print the bitch! haha I’ll buy that model for my desktop!

Thanks for the kind words!
Here is the untextured zbrush model. A few people were interested in seeing it. Also I might try to add him to the turntable gallery too…
I tried to answer some questions:
captkiro: The default render in Max was used (no plug-in). And I used transpose master in Zbrush to pose him.
mokthemagicman: the rips were handled with the snake brush.
Mahpiya: yeah, thx for the suggestion. I was thinking about that, but decided I wanted to follow Lynn Varley’s painting palette and she didn’t have any blood. I also thought the rips could have been a close call and not actually cut into the flesh… And sometimes things just don’t make sense…

Also here is the Max Mesh… as you can see, very heavy (900K tris).

:confused: :confused:![Batman_ZBa.jpg|501x700](upload://4bqkn8YgOhEbbhNaqBmC38VZwaZ.jpeg)![Batman_WireMax.jpg|619x700](upload://1NRZSheBLNnhszhGhJjyARkRWkf.jpeg)![Batman_WireMax_Head.jpg|463x500](upload://d49ANiAYQ6R282vj5GBLw7G79UO.jpeg)

Can u pls tell me did u made the cloth shadder …
thats cool.


Frank Miller would be proud of you! :smiley: it’s perfect!

what about an even more dark version in cloth colors? a darker blue and darker grey for the suit? could be actually interesting! :+1:

Great work. Awesome interpetation. What I really enjoy with your showing WIPs is you should that using dense meshes is fine especially for illustration when art is not going to be animated. Awesome. This is often overlooked.

Sweet Model man, Nailed the cloth :wink:

Great job on the model. W.I.P. give a better understanding of how you got to final render. Keep zBrushing!:smiley:

really amazing work, it looks great, true to the Frank Miller style. I may have overlooked the answer, but did you start with a basic mesh? Or did you do spheres to start it? My other question was did you start in a T pose, but as I can see by the untextured mesh it looks like you modeled him right in place. Great job.

Just so everyone knows where this came from.

Good Job!batman-dark_knight_triumphant2.jpg

This would make a really cool toy, good job.

very cool job man…nice textures/render.:+1: :+1: :+1:

great work man. very nice referenc.


This should be the ideal batman! Fat and badly bruised! :+1:

Hope to see the TURNTABLE version…