
The Art of Ang

here’s a zombie bust render in 3dsmax, vray


all done in zbrush using bpr passes and photoshop


Sweet robot. I like him.

Thanks Man :slight_smile:

Here’s a new personal work i made, models done in zbrush, rendered in 3dsmax using CORONA renderer

done in zbrush, rendered in corona

heres the model

ZBrush Document.jpg

Stupidly simple, but simply awesome!

here’s a new personal project, my first study on anatomy. still practicing on the muscle curves :slight_smile: ill be uploading a video soon on how i made this using dynamesh

Great presentation, love the colours and the block he is standing on. Keep it up!

Thanks man glad you like it.
Here’s the link on how i did it.

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/75646139" width=“500” height=“281” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=“http://vimeo.com/75646139”>D pose</a> from <a href=“http://vimeo.com/user3330859”>peter ang</a> on <a href=“https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Thanks man glad you like it. :slight_smile:
here’s a new one for my personal project that im currently doing on my free time
titled “dorothy and her imaginary friends”

rendered out in corona. texture and modeling was done in zbrush and polypaint :slight_smile:
gob 1.jpg

here’s my last zbrush project for this year… :slight_smile:

all done in zbrush using bpr

deformed 4.jpg
deformed 5.jpg
deformed 4.jpg

Terrifying! I do prefer the zbrush bpr render though, the photoshop one looks overdone, blood streaks and saliva aren’t that convincing.

ICEbox, thanks man :slight_smile: yeah i think the bpr are more nicer :slight_smile:

WORK in progress… all done in zbrush using polypaint.
ZBrush Dsdss.jpg

modelled in zbrush rendered in corona renderer



crunch cup 1k 2 z.jpg

crunch cup 1k z.jpg

rendered out using corona :slight_smile:

zombie sculpt peter ang s.jpg

another personal project… tea cups modelled in super zbrush rendered out in 3dsmax, using corona renderer

Here’s some updates for today been busy :slight_smile:

Model and painted in zbrush and corona renderer. :slight_smile: hope you like it.

for more corona renders of my zbrush works go here— http://corona-renderer.com/forum/index.php/topic,1362.0.html

Mrs Wool  family.jpg

toy photography2.jpg

hi zbrushers!!! here’s another personal project of mine for 2014. just want to compile some of my zbrush work in a scene that reflects my work and achievements… the pen and ink are my works before
i got into digital media. hope you like it!!!

link to my pen and ink works------- http://petera.deviantart.com/gallery/3487024

