
The Art of Ang

awesome picture!!! and thankyou for the fibermeshs

Promethias-- no problem man :slight_smile:

here’s without the material

here’s a new concept that im working on right now, just for past time after work.

froggy temp.jpg

here’s an old zbrush work before.


What an amount of detail. I really like how you made the entire scene. Really pays of. Was just wondering how mutch time you spend on it?

thanks man, glad you like it. you mean for the water creature? or the goblin?

dr. dre sculpted and rendered in zbrush 4r4 with BPR, post in photoshop :slight_smile:

<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/50470066” width=“407” height=“229” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Good job! The render looks great and I really like the character! (the mouth looks awesome!)

Good job! :slight_smile:

thanks man glad you like it.
here are the passes :slight_smile:
[<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/50470066” width=“407” height=“229” frameborder=“0” webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>


mr clay, ill pass the beauty shot rendered in vray soon

so here’s the render done in 3dsmax vray.


here’s an old zbrush wok done in 3.5 and was published in exotique


so here’s my entry for the zbrush halloween challenge 2012

dimitri final z_peter ang.jpg

happy halloween!!!

a zombie bust
6c92b3bd14da5c87f71f03eac166c206-d4vamzx (1).jpg

another zbrush old works before

hi guys here’s my previous work done for the VRAY 10 anniversary challenge. I used 3dsmax, vray, and Zbrush for texturing using spotlight for
this scene and sculpted the wall and stairs. hope you like it.

FEATURED IN CIEGA issue 12 “PHOTO REALISTIC” http://ceiga.co.uk/issue13.html
recieve a DA in deviant art http://petera.deviantart.com/art/a-tea-for-2-328794894 they thought its a photograph :slight_smile:

really like the last one !! but all great works in your thread !!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great work! I really like your stuff. :+1:

I love this last post. I really like these full scenes like this one. All of your work is great stuff.


thanks a lot guys! glad you like the full scenes.
herel’s a render of dimitri in vray using 3ds max

