
Swamp Thing

Thanks for the info and congratulations for the top row. You deserve it.

Speechless is all I can say. Looks like the character but I think better. :slight_smile:

Really amazing, and stylish!
All the pass rendered with zbrush??

Wonderful work. :wink:

mind blowing great job man ite beautiful and help ful for us:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Well deserved top row this is what Zbrush is for…

verrrrrry nice work


Yep! I was a very big fan of Swamp Thing series and the style of illustration in the comic,
and i think youve nailed the feel and look of it, spot on!
:+1: :+1: :+1:

more please!:wink:


Thanks again for all the great feedback!!!

ryankingslien - Which part of the process to make this would you like to see more of?

froyd - Yes, the more detailed second render is a result of me getting more ram and being able to subdivide to level 7 for some detail work. Finally!!

Crazywizard - Wow!! Where did you did up THAT picture! If it’s your Halloween costume from last year, then I say it looks great. But, if it’s from a movie or TV show, then I would say the production budget was a little low! That guy’s even worse than the 80’s movie Swamp Thing.

deepforest - All the passes were rendered with Zbrush with the exception of the eyes and fuzzy moss passes. I rendered the eyes in Lightwave and the moss using Sasquatch (in Lightwave also).

PoisenSoul - I’m a little surprised there are so many Swamp Thing fans. Good to see!

Oustanding image…put this one in my screensaver gallery…and congrats on top row:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I was thinking of another character that would be kewl to do in your style…another swamp goody…The Man Thing… Loved both of these characters as a teen.


Here’s a new version. I rendered a specular pass and added it in. The difference is subtle, but I think he’s a little more dimensional now (and maybe 5% wetter!). I know, I’m splitting hairs at this point…


Just had to add my compliments on such a striking character,really well done and much deserved Top Row:-)bye


amazing work, incredible…
if you miss to build a bump map, you can ever export normal map, which is better and powerful. if you have lw 9, you can use with nodal system, if you have lw8.5 you have a plugins called tb_normal map which work fine.

Side View using Antropus’ clay shader and GI light setup


Jgary, why not use a more specular material and a more detailed texture map, i mean from the layer passes that you show on page 1 of your thread the texture map looks a bit bland : only green and orange-brown for the roots ? …i could be wrong as i seldom create a lot of layers for a render, just tweak the final render in Photoshop…your first render looked very good to me, only a bit too much “vertical” noise from weeds hanging from his face !


Jantim - You’re right, I’ve done hardly any texture painting on this model. I’m really surprised it looks as good as it does considering that fact! On the first version, I just ran out of time and was just starting the texture work. So, I put together that version using what I had available so I could at least have something to show. When Ballistic contacted me, there was only a week to get the big version together, so again, I neglected to do any more texture work. Now, they have extended the deadline to Sept. 25th, so I’m sure I have not finished beating this already dead horse! You’re suggestions are good, and I’m definitely going to try and nail this thing (yes, another compulsive artist). I also agree that there’s something nice about the first one that didn’t happen for the hi-rez version.

…i think that your first render had a better ballance between the structure of the material (s) and the pixelsize…if you have a bigger render you have to change the value’s of noise etc in the material…but i’m sure your final render will “kick ass” :sunglasses:


which character came first, swamp-thing or man-thing? DC or Marvel ripped one another off big-time there. never noticed that before.

really nice piece by the way. love to see a body on this guy.

“You’re techniqe is mag-ni-fi-cent…” That’s one hell of a character, you’re a great illustrator, your 3d and 3d skills are superbe. Are you a proffesional illustrator?

industripop - I’m not sure which was first. I know Swamp Thing has been around since the beginning of the 70’s.

Yeah, a body would be quite a challenge! I would like to make an image that looks like this old 70’s cover but uses the 80’s style Swamp Thing.
