
Swamp Thing

Wow this truly is some amazing work. Im so glad to see that there are still real artists out there! This is true art!

yeah, i’ve always thought swamp-thing was much cooler. i even dig the cheesy movie a lot. never understood the whole long floppy nose on man-thing. they should square off against eachother and throw in “Moss Man” from he-man, just for kicks.

Well I went looking for info on both the swamp buddies…and this is what I came up with…the first two links are comic images for Swampy you might like…



Origin of the Swamp Thing character
Swamp Thing first appeared in House of Secrets #92 (June-July 1971), depicted in this story as Alex Olsen

After the success of the short story in the House of Secrets comic, the original creators were asked to write an ongoing series, but updating the character to be in the present and to appear more heroic. Swamp Thing #1 (1st series, October-November 1972, by Wein and Wrightson) was then started, fast-forwarding to the 1970s, and relating a completely different origin for the frightfully foliaged character.

Primary Appearances
This list features the Man-Thing as the center of the storyline, or as a supporting character. In these stories, Manny interacts with the Marvel Universe in “real-time” and makes a contribution to others or the reader discovers a new character trait. Savage Tales #1 Man-Thing 1971/05

…complete Man thing appearance, comic summary etc… can be found at http://www.lonely.geek.nz/mtwhatcomics.html

love the thread and the Swamp Thing update…


ps…dunno what the deal with the long snoz on the Man Thing but it may be a phallic thing since he appears to have no reproductive organs. :lol:

This is a great piece of work, but I’m still a bit confused about the compositing process. Would it be posible to get a screen capture of your PS Layers palette?

wow those render passes are a great find, not many peeps will show thos like that .
Thank you

Love it for details and the good illustrative feel you gave to the image. congrats. :slight_smile:

Exquisite detail work! The fuzzy moss hanging from his brow is a nice touch.
You really did this character justice here.

Congrats on a well deserved Top Row…:smiley:


First off, thanks again for the great comments and the top row congrats!

TumanT - No, I’m not an illustrator. 3D monkey. I did buy a cintiq recently when I got Zbrush and it has helped me get re-acquainted with my 2d painting/drawing skills in a big way! Never really got used to the regular Wacom tablet.

Ron Harris - Awesome man! Thanks for looking all that up. So, it looks like Man-Thing just barely edges Swamp Thing out. Their appearance dates are so close though that it’s suspicious. Like when two movies pop up based on the same idea (ie. bugs life vs. ants) .

Imhotep397 - I’m not sure a screen shot will be all that helpful, so here’s a zip file with a very small version of those photoshop layer in the image(SwampThingPasses.zip). I left out the last three layers since they’re just noise layers and didn’t show up after re-sizing. The different alpha channels I used are also in this psd file (channels tab).

And, here’s round 3, my final image.

I rendered a couple of specular passes and mixed them in along with other tweaky stuff. I think it’s a big improvement over the previous one, but I’ve just been looking at this thing too long. Opinions welcome.SwampThingPasses.zip (192 KB)SwampThingPostBigTweak.jpg

wow i love you design on this guy!!!
To Bad the original movie did’nt look this good!

Great work… really good!

Wicked!!! One of the best models I’ve seen so far… Simply amazing!

Thank you for sharing. :smiley:

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: opsss its too cool man tooo cool :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:
i gona die here
:slight_smile: i love this
a great wao from msmbrush:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

This is truly a great piece of work. Thanks so much for sharing the photoshop layers. It’s always interesting to see how others work in PSD.

yep, incredible beyhond words!