
Stubi //~ Realistic Women Head ~

Hi all!

Thank’s for your critics and comment, I decide ton build a little tutorial to explain my technique for apply a displacement map from Zbrush inside XSI.

This tutorial is for person who want to apply displacement from Zbrush inside Sofimage XSI with Displacement 3.

Displacement Setting Zbrush – XSI

  • This is a really precise displacement technique for XSI.

  • Import the 16bits image you create from the zbrush extration inside XSI, in general, you have a better result if you put your image in .tiff.

  • Next, select the node inside the render Tree ( Scalar_Math_Basic ). To found this node, go inside the mathematical node.

  • Connect the Displacement image to the first Scalar_Math_Basic imput and connect the second Scalar_Math_Basic inside the imput of the second one Scalar_Math_Basic.

- Scalar_Math_Basic :

Change the value of the the imput 2 by 0.5 et Operation by subtract

- Scalar_Math_Basic1 :

Change the value of the the imput 2 by 5 et Operation by multiply

Open the Geometry Approximation pannel for this object.

  • Inside Polygon Mesh panel , put the Render Level at 2

Next, in the Displacement panel, put the Max Displ by 2, and the Lenght by 0.25, check the View Dependent and put the Sharpness (%) at 100.

That sit, all of the value maybe change if you don’t have the same scaling I have. For exemple, all of the value I have is made with a head look like the xsi charater head.

Thank’s all and I hope you like this tutorial.

Cheer’s Steve Jubinville


Voici une facon d’obtenir un bon displacement dans XSI a partir d’une map creer dans Zbrush avec le Displacement 3.

Displacement Setting Zbrush – XSI

  • Voici une façon d’obtenir un displacement vraiment précis dans XSI.

  • Importer l’image 16bits obtenu lors de l’extraction du displacement dans Zbrush, en général, il est conseiller de laisser la texture en .tiff.

  • Ensuite, aller chercher deux nodes ( Scalar_Math_Basic ).

  • Connecter l’image Displacement à l’imput1 du premier Scalar_Math_Basic et connecter le 2e Scalar_Math_Basic a l’imput 1 du 2e Scalar_Math_Basic.

- Scalar_Math_Basic :

Changer la valeur de l’imput 2 par 0.5 et l’operation par subtract

- Scalar_Math_Basic1 :

Changer la valeur de l’imput 2 par 5 et l’operation par multiply

Ouvrir le panneau Geometry Approximation de l’objet.

  • Dans l’onglet Polygon Mesh, mettre le Render Level à 2

Ensuite, dans l’onglet Displacement, mettre le Max Displ à 2, le Lenght à 0.25, cocher le View Dependent et mettre le Sharpness (%) à 100.

Voila, jespere que ce tutorial vous permettera d’avoir un bon displacement. Les valeur peuvent varier si votre personnage n’a pas les memes scaling que le mien. La tete que j’ai sculpter et sur laquelle j’ai appliquer le displacement etais de la meme grandeur qu’une tete du personnage XSI par default.

Merci et j’espere que ce tutorial vous aidera dans votre demarche.

Bonne Chance!

Steve Jubinville
Digital Sculptor
Hybride Technologie1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg

Hey stubi. Excellent model. I was curious. Does the old zapplink work in zbrush3 or did you texture it in zbrush2?

Damn wow!!Im having one last look here before my hols and I see this much needed tutorial betwwen my two main apps.Thanks so much for helping us with your techniques.Your works a dream to look at,thanks !

5 stars,worth more.

wow this is great, i love the skin and how realistic it looks.

any chance you can share a bit about the eyes? how you set them up so they look that way?

I can get skin to look ok but the eyes always seem to blow out or not look as realistic as the skin.


Amazing work as always steve, she’s a cutie! Really impressed with the skin, and the fact that you share your techniques with all of us!

By the way, when are you coming back? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

These forums are so inspiring, because the amazing artwork, and even more because of how they show the actual person behind the work, and that even people with such skills aren’t perfect 3d producing robots, because of how people can still point out flaws and critique such good work. This gives the rest of us up and coming artists plenty hope.

Excellent work Stubi, and thank you very much for the insight into this piece’s creation, I really appreciate the generousity in sharing knowledge that you and other very proficient artists on communities across the net show. This is one of many reasons i love cg and the cg community in general.

Ok, I think thats enough pouring of feelings for one night:lol:, time for me to get back to my intense cg learning regimen.:smiley:

brettSinclair: I man! Yes is right, I use a bit Zbrush 2 for apply my base texture but I use the Zapp links 3 in zbrush 3 for the correction. I really like the clone tool in zbrush, really usefull!

calum5ZB: Thank’s man, is a pleasure for my to send a bit of my knowledge! :smiley:

rayfusion: Really simple to create a good eye effect. Look my eye tutorial!

metric: I Clay!as you going my friend. Long time I don’t talk to you! Thank’s i’m happy you like my work! I star the creature for fun, I send that in other thead! Waht are you doing at Meteor? In Hybride, We just in a border to finish journey… 1 mount… heheh!! Ciao and reply me!!

henkten: Thank’s man and continue to see my work!

This is the Step:

This is the Eye Result

Before I start the shading, I create 2 spheres, One for the Cornea and other one for the Iris. In this image, you will see the Lashes and the little grid I use to create the water effect.

When my eye is create, I use the SSS shader to make a better result. The shader is for the Iris, different kind of maps is nessaisary for that. Diffuse, bump, overall, epidermal and spec map. I use the same way I use for the skin.

Inside the node:

Now, I shade the Cornea. Really simple. Simple Phong for the shading and all reflexion is create by the little reflexion plane I made in a right place and my environment sphere create other Hight Light, See my skin tutorial.

That sit, the most important thing is the light rig, without that is not possible to recreate realities.

I work on a 4k texture map now, I will send my result soon! Hope you like this tutorial!


All of the essence of the face is inside the eye!

Steve Jubinville
Digital Sculptor
Hybride Technologieeye_result.jpgShade_wire_eye.jpgsss_renderTree.jpgsss_renderTree_int.jpgcornea.jpgeye_all.jpg

Stubi! Very nice Character and thanks a lot for the many exhaustive explanations :smiley:

B R A V O ! ! !

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great work, Stubi.
I have a lot of respect for work that can impress in a closeup :+1:

really nice work :grimacing:

Un freaking believable!!! Gorgeous works there and such a detailed explanation. I have no idea what you have been going on about these past pages but I’m impressed!!! :smiley:

Stubi, I now i shouldnd really ask this but would it be possible for you to create a little PDF with exact info in for us new comers to study, with your pernission of course. I’ve just recently got XSI and still know very little about it, but i’ll got through that myself, but the rest would be a big help.


rachel : You comment is really appreciate, for the PDF, is not really possible now im really busy but if you need help, is a pleasure to contact you. stevejubz1@hotmail.com

RAMWolff, bloodstorm, pumeco, piz: Thank’s all is reaaly important for me to have some persone like you!!

I will update soon!!

Dewey mon chum! merci bien pour ton commentaire!! C quand tu post toi!! heheh a +

Steve Jubinville
Digital Sculptor
Hybride Technologie


I was earlier writing about some eyes seen ELSEwhere— actually, many eyes done here on ZBC are VERY well done.

— and YOU have shown the way!

The entire ZB community HAS to celebrate your contributions.



I think your piece is amazing. :+1: I was wondering if I could ask you what type of wacom tablet you use. I am COMPLETELY new to Zbrush and would like to hear it from someone whose work I admire. I hear the Cintiq series is rather good, but they are extremely pricey. Is it possible to get amazing results with something less pricey like an Intuos3?


Hi Stubi, very impressive work. you definitely capture superb realities.
I am trying to clear your statements about the little white square area on the cornea. Was that created by the little reflection plane or your environment sphere?
Was it the highlight you mean here?
"Now, I shade the Cornea. Really simple. Simple Phong for the shading and all reflexion is create by the little reflexion plane I made in a right place and my environment sphere create other Hight Light, See my skin tutorial. "

Insane work man, really inspirational! Super nice of you to post some details on how you went about making this too :P!

Awsome work my friend!

Thanks for sharing the tech, I was looking for a way to boost the realism of my skin in XSI I just found it 5* from me!

Please take a look at my Patrick Stewart Sculpt in my sketch book, Any pointers would be much appreciated? Just the skin Mind i hav not addressed the eyes just yet.


Absolutely amazing!

This is really great work, Stubi. You’ve even taken the time to show how you’ve done it. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your amazing work!