
Sneak Peek: ZBrush 2021

very good! Very much looking forward to!!!!

I’m very excited about the new features in Zbrush 2021 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, although I would like to see “Peel UV Plugin” (which was shown at the ZBrush Summit 2018 and I really liked it) in 2021. :innocent:


Amazing! :heart_eyes: I can’t wait to use it!
And what about Peel UV Plugin? :grin: :innocent:

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Wow, exciting!!!

Amazing features!

I literally teared up when I saw dynamics! My dreams are happening. The extra love shown to the Fibermesh engine is nice too. I’m very interested in the import image and convert to 3D mesh. That seems interesting as well.

Some future wishes. More UV unfold improvements PLEASE and please fix that silly issue with the maps and UV’s being inverted. I mean NO other program that I use has this issue. I never go that. I know it’s a simple flip button but please just fix it in the code once and for all!

Can’t wait for the release!

Thanks Pixo!

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iMage3D does not import a 2D image and create a 3D model. It is a 2D image that contains the 3D data.

This feature was introduced in ZBrushCoreMini and is now being brought to ZBrush. This thread contains a slew of such files that have already been shared since the release of Mini.

Looks incredible!!
What about UV peel?


So the dreaded question. WHEN? Says 2021 but many companies release MONTHS before the actual date flip. I would be nice to have SOMETHING go right in 2020! LOL

Hot Damn…Cant Wait…update to ZM :slight_smile: Sweeeet !

“slew”…such a brilliant word to use…well done Aurick

oo man !!! life is becoming very very gooooooooooooooooood and beautiful :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

With this new Zmodeler, are we going to get move and rotate edgeloop complete? Or even be able to do this with either selected or world axis? Please and thank you.

Wow! Cloth Dynamics, Cloth Brushes, and Real-Time MictoPoly!!!
It’s what I’ve always wanted! And, all for FREE! Just iIncredible!
I can’t wait! You never cease to amaze me, Pixologic! I want to have your baby!

Wow!!! You guys are the best!

This is awesome - as ever!
Can’t wait to get my hands on it. Looks like the zmodelling tool updates will allow for detailed retopo’ing, which, as amazing as zremesher is, would complete the retopo set to avoid going into other apps in future. Kudos! I hope it does vertex welding as well as snapping on the surface as well as to other verts, knowing you guys I’m pretty sure it will.

Thanks again for yet another free update, this has hands down been the best software investment I’ve ever made, and makes it super easy to recommend it to others too.

Congratulations on another superb update!
Thanks (in advance) again!

:zman:! yes !

yet another hit! Every update topping the next and I can’t
wait to see what’s in store for your fans.

well what can I say? Pixologic you keep pulling it off, well done, this update looks super slick.

Now if them retopo tools are as good as they look then this is a huge addition and much needed from a workflow perspective. Would love to see improved layered painting and texture slots for other map types.

Keep up the good work.
